Insert statement converts text value to date type value : Date « Data Type « Oracle PL / SQL

Insert statement converts text value to date type value

SQL> CREATE TABLE purchase (
  2       product_name  VARCHAR2(25),
  3       salesperson   VARCHAR2(3),
  4       purchase_date DATE,
  5       quantity      NUMBER(4,2));

Table created.

SQL> INSERT INTO purchase VALUES ('Small Widget', 'CA', '14-JUL-03', 1);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO purchase VALUES ('Medium Widget', 'BB', '14-JUL-03', 75);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO purchase VALUES ('Product Number', 'GA', '14-JUL-03', 2);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO purchase VALUES ('Small Widget', 'GA', '15-JUL-03', 8);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO purchase VALUES ('Medium Widget', 'LB', '15-JUL-03', 20);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO purchase VALUES ('Round Station', 'CA', '16-JUL-03', 5);

1 row created.

SQL> DROP TABLE purchase;

Table dropped.



Related examples in the same category

1.Define and use Date data type
2.Date data types
3.Use DATE type column
4.Use DATE to mark a string as date value
5.Use SYSDATE in insert statement
6.Initialize value with date functions
7.Set date value to SYSDATE
8.check date value range
9.Are two dates equal
10.Use comparison operator with date type value
11.Compare date value after to_char() and trim()
12.Compare date value with sysdate or null value
13.Use to_char to format date
14.use to_char more than once to create long date format
15.Declare date type variable and set the value at the same time
16.Differences Between Dates
17.Extract year, month, day from a date
18.Insert sysdate value to date type column
19.Use if statement to compare two date type variable
20.Assign system date to date type variable
21.Date math
22.Date type column
23.Date value calculation in to_char function
24.Date variable
25.Date/Time literals
26.New ANSI DATE literal.
27.Store hour:minute information to date type variable
28.Assign date value as string to date type variable
29.Convert the character string back to date format