Selecting Elements by Attribute

The attribute selector matches attributes by different aspects of attributes.

The element attribute selector has the following syntax:




It matches elements by looking at the value of attributes

        <style type="text/css"> 
        [href] { 
            border: thin black solid; 
            padding: 4px; 
        <a href=""> Visit the </a> 
Click to view the demo

[href] matches any element with an href attribute. [href] doesn't look at the value.

The following table lists the conditions for the element attribute selector

[attr]Selects elements who has attribute attr.
[attr="val"]Selects elements who has attr with value val.
[attr^="val"]Selects elements who has attr. The attr's value starts with the val.(CSS3)
[attr$="val"]Selects elements who has attr. The attr's value ends with the val. (CSS3)
[attr*="val"]Selects elements who has attr. The attr's value contains the val. (CSS3)
[attr~="val"]Selects elements who has attr. The attr's value contains multiple values, one of them is val.
[attr|="val"]Selects elements who has attr. The attr's value is a hyphenseparated list of values, the first of which is val.

The ~= condition deals with attributes that support multiple values. And the values are separated by a space character. [class~="value"] is equivalent to .value.

        <style type="text/css"> 
        [class~="class1"] { 
            border: thin black solid; 
            padding: 4px; 
        <a class="class1 class2" href=""> 
            Visit the 
        <span class="class1">HTML</span>
Click to view the demo

The |= condition is useful for hyphens-separated value.

        <style type="text/css"> 
        [lang|="en"] { 
        border: thin black solid; 
        padding: 4px; 
        <a lang="en-us" href=""> Visit the </a> 
        <span lang="en-gb">HTML</span>
Click to view the demo
  HTML CSS Book 

  1. Selecting All Elements
  2. Selecting Elements by Type
  3. Selecting Elements by Class
  4. Selecting Elements by ID
  5. Selecting Elements by Attribute