Using Wildcards and Quantifiers

The following example that uses the + quantifier to match any arbitrarily long sequence of Ws.

// Use a quantifier. 
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("A+");
    Matcher mat = pat.matcher("A AA AAA");
    while (mat.find()){
      System.out.println("Match: " +;

The next program uses a wildcard to create a pattern that will match any sequence that begins with e and ends with d.

// Use wildcard and quantifier. 
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("e.+d");
    Matcher mat = pat.matcher("extend electronics ebook-iPad ");
    while (mat.find())
      System.out.println("Match: " +;

//Match: extend electronics ebook-iPad
  Java Book 
    Essential Classes  

  1. Regular Expression Processing
  2. Normal character
  3. Wildcard character
  4. Using Wildcards and Quantifiers
  5. Greedy behavior
  6. Working with Classes of Characters
  7. Using replaceAll( )
  8. Using split( )
  9. Matcher: appendReplacement(StringBuffer sb,String replacement)
  10. Matcher.appendTail(StringBuffer sb)
  11. Matcher: find()
  12. Matcher: group()
  13. Matcher: group(int group)
  14. Matcher: groupCount()
  15. Matcher: lookingAt()
  16. Matcher: matches()
  17. Matcher: replaceAll(String text)
  18. Matcher: start()