findInLine( )

findInLine( ) is useful if you want to locate a specific pattern. This method searches for the specified pattern within the next line of text. If the pattern is found, the matching token is consumed and returned. Otherwise, null is returned.

Its general forms are shown here:

String findInLine(Pattern pattern) 
String findInLine(String pattern)


import java.util.Scanner;

public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    String instr = "Name: Joe Age: 28 ID: 77";

    Scanner conin = new Scanner(instr);

    conin.findInLine("Age:"); // find Age

    if (conin.hasNext())

  Java Book 
    Essential Classes  

  1. Scanner
  2. Setting Delimiters
  3. findInLine( )
  4. findWithinHorizon( )
  5. skip( )
  6. new Scanner(FileReader file)
  7. new Scanner(InputStream source)
  8. Scanner: hasNext()
  9. Scanner: hasNextBoolean()
  10. Scanner: hasNextDouble()
  11. Scanner: hasNextInt()
  12. Scanner: hasNextLine()
  13. Scanner: next()
  14. Scanner: nextBoolean()
  15. Scanner: nextDouble()
  16. Scanner: nextInt()
  17. Scanner: nextLine()