Character.isLowerCase, isUpperCase check the letter case

class MainClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Is the Latin symbol z a lowercase letter? " + Character.isLowerCase('z'));

    System.out.println("Is the Latin symbol a an uppercase letter? " + Character.isUpperCase('a'));

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Data Type Char:
  1. Create Character from char value
  2. Compare Character
  3. Character.isLowerCase, isUpperCase check the letter case
  4. Character.isLetter checks if a char is a letter
  5. Character.isDigit checks the if a char is a digit
  6. Character.isWhitespace checks if a letter is a space
  7. Character.UnicodeBlock checks a Character's Unicode Block
  8. Convert char to integer ASCII code
  9. Convert ASCII code int value to String
  10. Convert char to unicode
  11. Convert char array to string
  12. Get next char value
  13. Store unicode in a char variable
  14. Check char type
  15. Max and Min values of char