Modifier Reflection

The Modifier class provides static methods and constants to decode class and member access modifiers.

static int ABSTRACT
The int value representing the abstract modifier.
static int FINAL
The int value representing the final modifier.
static int INTERFACE
The int value representing the interface modifier.
static int NATIVE
The int value representing the native modifier.
static int PRIVATE
The int value representing the private modifier.
static int PROTECTED
The int value representing the protected modifier.
static int PUBLIC
The int value representing the public modifier.
static int STATIC
The int value representing the static modifier.
static int STRICT
The int value representing the strictfp modifier.
The int value representing the synchronized modifier.
static int TRANSIENT
The int value representing the transient modifier.
static int VOLATILE
The int value representing the volatile modifier.
static boolean isAbstract(int mod)
Is abstract modifier.
static boolean isFinal(int mod)
Is final modifier.
static boolean isInterface(int mod)
Is interface modifier.
static boolean isNative(int mod)
Is native modifier.
static boolean isPrivate(int mod)
Is private modifier.
static boolean isProtected(int mod)
Is protected modifier.
static boolean isPublic(int mod)
Is public modifier.
static boolean isStatic(int mod)
Is static modifier.
static boolean isStrict(int mod)
Is strictfp modifier.
static boolean isSynchronized(int mod)
Is synchronized modifier.
static boolean isTransient(int mod)
Is transient modifier.
static boolean isVolatile(int mod)
Is volatile modifier.
static String toString(int mod)
Convert modifier int flag to string.

Return true if the integer argument includes the public modifier, false otherwise

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  private static void getClassModifier(Class clazz) {
    int modifier = clazz.getModifiers();

    if (Modifier.isPublic(modifier)) {
      System.out.println(clazz.getName() + " class modifier is public");

The output:

java.lang.String class modifier is public
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