The TimeUnit Enumeration

The concurrent API uses TimeUnit to indicate a time-out period. TimeUnit is an enumeration that is used to specify the granularity of the timing. TimeUnit is defined within java.util.concurrent.

It can be one of the following values:

  • DAYS

The TimeUnit enumeration defines various methods that convert between units.

These are shown here:

long convert(long tval, TimeUnit tu) 
long toMicros(long tval) 
long toMillis(long tval) 
long toNanos(long tval) 
long toSeconds(long tval) 
long toDays(long tval) 
long toHours(long tval) 
long toMinutes(long tval)

The convert( ) method converts tval into the specified unit and returns the result. The to methods perform the indicated conversion and return the result.

TimeUnit also defines the following timing methods:

void sleep(long delay) throws InterruptedExecution
sleep( ) pauses execution for the specified delay period. It translates into a call to Thread.sleep( ).
void timedJoin(Thread thrd, long delay) throws InterruptedExecution
similar with Thread.join( ) in which pauses for the time period specified by delay, which is described in terms of the invoking time unit.
void timedWait(Object obj, long delay) throws InterruptedExecution
a specialized version of Object.wait( ) in which obj is waited on for the period of time specified by delay, which is described in terms of the invoking time unit.
  Java Book 
    Thread Conncurrent  

  1. The TimeUnit Enumeration
  2. TimeUnit: DAYS
  4. TimeUnit.SECONDS
  5. TimeUnit: sleep(long timeout)
  6. TimeUnit: toDays(long duration)
  7. TimeUnit: toHours(long duration)
  8. TimeUnit: toMinutes(long duration)