HTMLObjectElement:The object Element

The object element is represented by the HTMLObjectElement object. It implements the properties shown in the following table.

datathe data attributestring
typethe type attributestring
formReturns the form that this element is associated withHTMLFormElement
namethe name attributestring
useMapthe usemap attributestring
widththe width attributestring
heightthe height attributestring
contentDocumentReturns the document objectDocument
contentWindowReturns the window objectWindow
willValidateReturns true if the element will be validated when the form is submitted; returns false otherwiseboolean
validationMessageReturns the error message that would be shown to the user if input validation was appliedstring
checkValidity()Performs input validation on the elementboolean
setCustomValidity(<msg>) Sets a custom validation messagevoid
labelsReturns the label elements associated with this elementHTMLLabelElement[]
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