

.slice(start[, end])


An integer indicating the 0-based position after which the elements are selected
end (optional)
An integer indicating the 0-based position before which the elements stop being selected; if omitted, the range continues until the end of the set

Return value

The new jQuery object.


Reduce the set of matched elements to a subset specified by a range of indices.


Consider a page with a simple list as follows:

 <li>list item 1</li>
 <li>list item 2</li>
 <li>list item 3</li>
 <li>list item 4</li>
 <li>list item 5</li>

We can apply this method to the set of list items as follows:

$('li').slice(2).css('background-color', 'red');

items 3, 4, and 5 turns red.

index is 0-based, and refers to the position of elements within the jQuery object; not within the DOM tree.

The end parameter allows us to limit the selected range even further. For example:

$('li').slice(2, 4).css('background-color', 'red');

items 3 and 4 are selected.

The index is once again 0-based. The range extends up to, but doesn't include, the specified index.

Negative indices

If a negative number is provided, this indicates a position starting from the end of the set, rather than the beginning. For example:

$('li').slice(-2, -1).css('background-color', 'red');

item 4 turns red, as it is the only item in the range between the second from the end (-2) and the first from the end (-1).


Slice start and end

    <script src="http://java2s.com/Book/JavaScriptDemo/jQuery/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
           function colorEm() {
              var $div = $("div");
              $div.css("background", "red");
              $div.slice(2, 4).css("background", "yellow");
      div { width:40px; height:40px; margin:10px; float:left;}
      <button>Click the button</button>
Click to view the demo

Slice start till ends

    <script src="http://java2s.com/Book/JavaScriptDemo/jQuery/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
           function colorEm() {
              var $div = $("div");
              $div.css("background", "red");
              $div.slice(2).css("background", "yellow");
      div { width:40px; height:40px; margin:10px; float:left;}
      <button>Click the button</button>
Click to view the demo

Slice li under a ul

    <script src="http://java2s.com/Book/JavaScriptDemo/jQuery/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
var tmpExample = {
  ready : function() {
    $('ul#uiID li').slice(0, 4).addClass('justAdd');

    <style type='text/css'>

ul#uiID {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
ul#uiID li {
    margin: 1px;
    padding: 3px;
li.justAdd {
    background: #fcc16e;
  <body id='tmpExample'>
    <ul id='uiID'>
      <li class='liClass1'>A</li>
      <li class='liClass1'>B</li>
      <li class='liClass1'>C</li>
      <li class='liClass1'>D</li>
      <li class='liClass2'>E</li>
      <li class='liClass2'>F</li>
      <li class='liClass2'>G</li>
      <li class='liClass2'>H</li>
      <li class='liClass3'>I</li>
      <li class='liClass3'>J</li>

Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 

  1. jQuery DOM
  2. $("html tags"):generate code with the jQuery wrapper function.
  3. .add()
  4. .addClass()
  5. .after()
  6. .andSelf()
  7. .append()
  8. .appendTo()
  9. .attr()
  10. .before()
  11. .children()
  12. .clone()
  13. .closest()
  14. .contents()
  15. .css()
  16. .detach()
  17. .filter()
  18. .first()
  19. .get()
  20. .has()
  21. .hasClass()
  22. .height()
  23. .html()
  24. .index()
  25. .innerHeight()
  26. .innerWidth()
  27. .insertAfter()
  28. .insertBefore()
  29. .is()
  30. .last()
  31. .map()
  32. .next()
  33. .nextAll()
  34. .nextUntil()
  35. .not()
  36. .offset()
  37. .offsetParent()
  38. .outerHeight()
  39. .outerWidth()
  40. .parent()
  41. .parents()
  42. .parentsUntil()
  43. .position()
  44. .prepend()
  45. .prependTo()
  46. .prev()
  47. .prevAll()
  48. .prevUntil()
  49. .remove()
  50. .removeClass()
  51. .removeAttr()
  52. .replaceAll()
  53. .replaceWith()
  54. .siblings()
  55. .scrollLeft()
  56. .scrollTop()
  57. .slice()
  58. .text()
  59. .toArray()
  60. .toggleClass()
  61. .unwrap()
  62. .val()
  63. .wrap()
  64. .wrapAll()
  65. .wrapInner()
  66. .width()