Checking Object Privileges Received

user_tab_privs_recd table stores object privileges a user has received.

The columns in user_tab_privs_recd:

ownerVARCHAR2(30)User who owns the object
table_nameVARCHAR2(30)Name of the object on which the privilege was granted
grantorVARCHAR2(30)User who granted the privilege
privilegeVARCHAR2(40)Privilege on the object
grantableVARCHAR2(3)Whether the grantee can grant the privilege to another (YES or NO)
hierarchyVARCHAR2(3)Whether the privilege forms part of a hierarchy (YES or NO)

SELECT * FROM user_tab_privs_recd ORDER BY privilege;

user_col_privs_recd stores column object privileges a user has received.

The columns in user_col_privs_recd:

ownerVARCHAR2(30)User who owns the object
table_nameVARCHAR2(30)Name of the table on which the privilege was granted
column_nameVARCHAR2(30)Name of the column on which the privilege was granted
grantorVARCHAR2(30)User who granted the privilege
privilegeVARCHAR2(40)Privilege on the object
grantableVARCHAR2(3)Whether the grantee can grant the privilege to another (YES or NO)

SELECT * FROM user_col_privs_recd;
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Object Privileges:
  1. Object Privileges
  2. Checking Object Privileges Made, user_tab_privs_made and user_col_privs_made
  3. Checking Object Privileges Received
  4. Revoking Object Privileges