Dropdownlist Binded to ArrayList : DropDownList « Asp Control « ASP.Net

Dropdownlist Binded to ArrayList

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
   <title>Collection DataBinding Example</title>
   <script runat="server">
      Dim FontColor As String
      Sub Page_Load()
         If Not IsPostBack Then
            Dim Colors As New ArrayList()
            Color.DataSource = Colors
            Color.SelectedIndex = 0
         End If
         Output.Text = "The value for FontColor is " & _
            Color.SelectedItem.Value & "."
         Output.ForeColor = _
         End Sub
   <h1>Collection DataBinding Example</h1>
   <form runat="server">
      Choose a color from the list for the font color:
      <asp:dropdownlist id="Color" autopostback="True" runat="server"/>
      <asp:label id="Output" runat="server"/>


Related examples in the same category

1.Set selected Item in asp:DropDownList (VB.net)
2.On selected state changed in asp:dropdownlist (VB.net)
3.Change background color for asp:dropdownlist (VB.net)
4.Create asp:dropdownlist dynamically (VB.net)
5.Set asp:DropDownList selected index (VB.net)
6.Sort array elements and add them to the asp:dropdownlist (VB.net)
7.Add elements in an Array to asp:dropdownlist (VB.net)
8.Set asp:dropdownlist value statically (VB.net)
9.Add value to asp:DropDownList dynamically (VB.net)
10.Add values to asp:DropDownList (VB.net)
11.Selected Index Changed event for asp:DropDownList (VB.net)
12.Select the value of asp:DropDownList Selected Item (VB.net)
13.Get form data: asp:checkbox, asp:DropDownList, asp:TextBox (VB.net)
14.Change asp:dropdownlist fore and background color (VB.net)
15.Set font name, size and style for asp:dropdownlist (VB.net)
16.For loop controlled by dropdownlist (C#)
17.Get selected item from asp:dropdownlist (C#)
18.Use ArrayList to fill dropdown value (C#)
19.Working with the DropDownList Control and asp:SqlDataSource
20.Add ListItem to DropDownList
21.Appending Data Items
22.Depending Dropdowns