Get Process ID with shell command and read by Java code : System « Development « Android

Get Process ID with shell command and read by Java code

//package org.codeandroid.vpnc_frontend;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import android.util.Log;

class Util

  private static final String LOG_TAG = "VPN_Connections";
  public static final int DISCONNECT_NOTIFICATION = 1;
  private static final int pidColumn = getPidColumn();

  public static int getPidColumn()
      Process psProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "sh" );
      OutputStream os = psProcess.getOutputStream();
      InputStream is = psProcess.getInputStream();
      writeLine( os, null, "ps | grep PID" );
      writeLine( os, null, "exit" );
      catch( InterruptedException interruptedException )
        Log.e( LOG_TAG, "While trying to read process id", interruptedException );
        return -1;
      String headerLine = readString( is, null, false );
      Log.d( LOG_TAG, "Read PS header line as " + headerLine );
      if( headerLine == null || headerLine.trim().length() == 0 )
        Log.e( LOG_TAG, "Attempt to do a PS did not return anything" );
        return -1;
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( headerLine, " ", false );
        int columnCount = tokenizer.countTokens();
        for( int index = 0; index < columnCount; index++ )
          if( "PID".equals( tokenizer.nextToken() ) )
            Log.d( LOG_TAG, "PID is in column #" + index );
            return index;
        return -1;
    catch( IOException e )
      Log.e( LOG_TAG, "While trying to read process id", e );
      return -1;

  public static int getProcessId()
    if( pidColumn == -1 )
      return -1;
      Process psProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "sh" );
      OutputStream os = psProcess.getOutputStream();
      InputStream is = psProcess.getInputStream();
      writeLine( os, null, "ps | grep 'vpnc$'" );
      writeLine( os, null, "exit" );
      catch( InterruptedException interruptedException )
        Log.e( LOG_TAG, "While trying to read process id", interruptedException );
        return 0;
      String pidStringLine = readString( is, null, false );
      Log.d( LOG_TAG, "Read vpnc process line as " + pidStringLine );
      if( pidStringLine == null || pidStringLine.trim().length() == 0 )
        Log.d( LOG_TAG, "Attempt to read vpnc process id did not return anything" );
        return -1;
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( pidStringLine, " ", false );
        String pidString = tokenizer.nextToken();
        for( int index = 0; index < pidColumn; index++ )
          pidString = tokenizer.nextToken();
        Log.d( LOG_TAG, "Read vpnc process id as " + pidString );
          return Integer.parseInt( pidString );
        catch( NumberFormatException e )
          Log.w( LOG_TAG, "Could not parse process id of " + pidString, e );
          return 0;
    catch( IOException e )
      Log.e( LOG_TAG, "While trying to read process id", e );
      return 0;

  public static String readString(InputStream is, PrintWriter logWriter, boolean block) throws IOException
    if( !block && is.available() == 0 )
      //Caller doesn't want to wait for data and there isn't any available right now
      return null;
    byte firstByte = (byte); //wait till something becomes available
    int available = is.available();
    byte[] characters = new byte[available + 1];
    characters[0] = firstByte; characters, 1, available );
    String string = new String( characters );
    if( logWriter != null )
      logWriter.println( string );
    return string;

  public static void writeLine(OutputStream os, PrintWriter logWriter, String value) throws IOException
    String line = value + "\n";
    os.write( line.getBytes() );
    if( logWriter != null )
      logWriter.println( value );

  public static void debug(String msg)
    Log.d( LOG_TAG, msg );

  public static void debug(String msg, Throwable throwable)
    Log.d( LOG_TAG, msg, throwable );

  public static void info(String msg)
    Log.i( LOG_TAG, msg );

  public static void info(String msg, Throwable throwable)
    Log.i( LOG_TAG, msg, throwable );

  public static void warn(String msg)
    Log.w( LOG_TAG, msg );

  public static void warn(String msg, Throwable throwable)
    Log.w( LOG_TAG, msg, throwable );

  public static void error(String msg)
    Log.e( LOG_TAG, msg );

  public static void error(String msg, Throwable throwable)
    Log.e( LOG_TAG, msg, throwable );

  public static void printLog(int priority, String msg)
    Log.println( priority, LOG_TAG, msg );


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