Demonstrates android.os.Vibrator android.os.Vibrator class. : Vibrator « Hardware « Android

Demonstrates android.os.Vibrator android.os.Vibrator class.

 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


// Need the following import to get access to the app resources, since this
// class is in a sub-package.

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Vibrator;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;

 * <h3>App that vibrates the vibrator with the Morse Code for a string.</h3>

<p>This demonstrates the {@link android.os.Vibrator android.os.Vibrator} class.

OS / Morse Code Vibrator
<h4>Source files</h4>
 * <table class="LinkTable">
 *         <tr>
 *             <td >src/</td>
 *             <td >The Morse Code Vibrator</td>
 *         </tr>
 *         <tr>
 *             <td >res/any/layout/morse_code.xml</td>
 *             <td >Defines contents of the screen</td>
 *         </tr>
 * </table> 
public class MorseCode extends Activity
    /** Our text view */
    private TextView mTextView;

     * Initialization of the Activity after it is first created.  Must at least
     * call {@link setContentView()} to
     * describe what is to be displayed in the screen.
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        // Be sure to call the super class.

        // See assets/res/any/layout/hello_world.xml for this
        // view layout definition, which is being set here as
        // the content of our screen.

        // Set the OnClickListener for the button so we see when it's pressed.

        // Save the text view so we don't have to look it up each time
        mTextView = (TextView)findViewById(;

    /** Called when the button is pushed */
    View.OnClickListener mClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            // Get the text out of the view
            String text = mTextView.getText().toString();

            // convert it using the function defined above.  See the docs for
            // android.os.Vibrator for more info about the format of this array
            long[] pattern = MorseCodeConverter.pattern(text);

            // Start the vibration
            Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator)getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
            vibrator.vibrate(pattern, -1);

/** Class that implements the text to morse code coversion */
class MorseCodeConverter {
    private static final long SPEED_BASE = 100;
    static final long DOT = SPEED_BASE;
    static final long DASH = SPEED_BASE * 3;
    static final long GAP = SPEED_BASE;
    static final long LETTER_GAP = SPEED_BASE * 3;
    static final long WORD_GAP = SPEED_BASE * 7;

    /** The characters from 'A' to 'Z' */
    private static final long[][] LETTERS = new long[][] {
        /* A */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DASH },
        /* B */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* C */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT },
        /* D */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* E */ new long[] { DOT },
        /* F */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT },
        /* G */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT },
        /* H */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* I */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* J */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* K */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH },
        /* L */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* M */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* N */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DOT },
        /* O */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* P */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT },
        /* Q */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH },
        /* R */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT },
        /* S */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* T */ new long[] { DASH },
        /* U */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH },
        /* V */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH },
        /* W */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* X */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH },
        /* Y */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* Z */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },

    /** The characters from '0' to '9' */
    private static final long[][] NUMBERS = new long[][] {
        /* 0 */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* 1 */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* 2 */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* 3 */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH },
        /* 4 */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DASH },
        /* 5 */ new long[] { DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* 6 */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* 7 */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* 8 */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT, GAP, DOT },
        /* 9 */ new long[] { DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DASH, GAP, DOT },

    private static final long[] ERROR_GAP = new long[] { GAP };

    /** Return the pattern data for a given character */
    static long[] pattern(char c) {
        if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
            return LETTERS[c - 'A'];
        if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
            return LETTERS[c - 'a'];
        else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
            return NUMBERS[c - '0'];
        else {
            return ERROR_GAP;

    static long[] pattern(String str) {
        boolean lastWasWhitespace;
        int strlen = str.length();

        // Calculate how long our array needs to be.
        int len = 1;
        lastWasWhitespace = true;
        for (int i=0; i<strlen; i++) {
            char c = str.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
                if (!lastWasWhitespace) {
                    lastWasWhitespace = true;
            } else {
                if (!lastWasWhitespace) {
                lastWasWhitespace = false;
                len += pattern(c).length;

        // Generate the pattern array.  Note that we put an extra element of 0
        // in at the beginning, because the pattern always starts with the pause,
        // not with the vibration.
        long[] result = new long[len+1];
        result[0] = 0;
        int pos = 1;
        lastWasWhitespace = true;
        for (int i=0; i<strlen; i++) {
            char c = str.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
                if (!lastWasWhitespace) {
                    result[pos] = WORD_GAP;
                    lastWasWhitespace = true;
            } else {
                if (!lastWasWhitespace) {
                    result[pos] = LETTER_GAP;
                lastWasWhitespace = false;
                long[] letter = pattern(c);
                System.arraycopy(letter, 0, result, pos, letter.length);
                pos += letter.length;
        return result;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.

<!-- This activity exercises search invocation options -->

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""



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1.Using Vibrator