Reshaping Arabic Sentences and Text Utilities to deal with Arabic : SHA « Security « Android

Reshaping Arabic Sentences and Text Utilities to deal with Arabic


//package org.amr.arabic;

 *  Date : 8th of June 2009
 *  the class is Arabic string reshaper Utilities, this class is targeting Android platform
 *   By    : Amr Ismail Gawish
 *  E-Mail   :
 *  Web    :
 *  Updated : 8th of June 2009
 *  Adding comments and Announcing Open Source
 * Updated: 6th of May 2010
 * Enahancing Functionality by Amine :
 * */
import java.util.ArrayList;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.widget.TextView;

 * This class is the main class that is responsible for Reshaping Arabic Sentences and Text
 * Utilities Class to make it easier to deal with Arabic Reshaper Class
 * Wrapper for Arabic Reshaper Class
 * @author Amr Gawish
public class ArabicUtilities {

   * the path of teh fonts file must be under assets folder
  private static final String FONTS_LOCATION_PATH = "fonts/me_quran.ttf";
        static Typeface face ;

   * Helper function is to check if the character passed, is Arabic
   * @param target The Character to check Against
   * @return true if the Character is Arabic letter, otherwise returns false
  private static boolean isArabicCharacter(char target){

    //Iterate over the 36 Characters in ARABIC_GLPHIES Matrix
    for(int i = 0; i < ArabicReshaper.ARABIC_GLPHIES.length;i++){
      //Check if the target Character exist in ARABIC_GLPHIES Matrix
        return true;

                for(int i = 0; i < ArabicReshaper.HARAKATE.length;i++){
      //Check if the target Character exist in ARABIC_GLPHIES Matrix
        return true;

    return false;

   * Helper function to split Sentence By Space
   * @param sentence the Sentence to Split into Array of Words
   * @return Array Of words
  private static String[] getWords(String sentence){
    if (sentence != null) {
      return sentence.split("\\s");
    } else {
      return new String[0];

   * Helper function to check if the word has Arabic Letters
   * @param word The to check Against
   * @return true if the word has Arabic letters, false otherwise
  public static boolean hasArabicLetters(String word){

    //Iterate over the word to check all the word's letters
    for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){

        return true;
    return false;

   * Helper function to check if the word is all Arabic Word
   * @param word The word to check against
   * @return true if the word is Arabic Word, false otherwise
  public static boolean isArabicWord(String word){
    //Iterate over the Word
    for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){
        return false;
    return true;

   * Helper function to split the Mixed Word into words with only Arabic, and English Words
   * @param word The Mixed Word
   * @return The Array of the Words of each Word may exist inside that word
  private static String[] getWordsFromMixedWord(String word){

    //The return result of words
    ArrayList finalWords=new ArrayList();

    //Temp word to hold the current word
    String tempWord="";

    //Iterate over the Word Length
    for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){

      //Check if the Character is Arabic Character

        //Check if the tempWord is not empty, and what left in tempWord is not Arabic Word
        if(!tempWord.equals("") && !isArabicWord(tempWord)) {

          //add the Word into the Array

          //initiate the tempWord again


          //Not to add the tempWord, but to add the character to the rest of the characters


        //Check if the tempWord is not empty, and what left in tempWord is Arabic Word
        if(!tempWord.equals("") && isArabicWord(tempWord)){

          //add the Word into the Array

          //initiate the tempWord again


          //Not to add the tempWord, but to add the character to the rest of the characters

    String[] theWords=new String[finalWords.size()];

    return theWords;

  public static String reshape(String allText) {
    if (allText != null) {
      StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
      String[] sentences = allText.split("\n");
      for (int i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) {
      return result.toString();
    } else {
      return null;
   * The Main Reshaping Function to be Used in Android Program
   * @param allText The text to be Reshaped
   * @return the Reshaped Text
  public static String reshapeSentence(String sentence){
      //get the Words from the Text
      String[] words=getWords(sentence);

      //prepare the Reshaped Text
      StringBuffer reshapedText=new StringBuffer("");

      //Iterate over the Words
      for(int i=0;i<words.length;i++){

        //Check if the Word has Arabic Letters

          //Check if the Whole word is Arabic

            //Initiate the ArabicReshaper functionality
            ArabicReshaper arabicReshaper=new ArabicReshaper(words[i],true);

            //Append the Reshaped Arabic Word to the Reshaped Whole Text
          }else{ //The word has Arabic Letters, but its not an Arabic Word, its a mixed word

            //Extract words from the words (split Arabic, and English)
            String [] mixedWords=getWordsFromMixedWord(words[i]);

            //iterate over mixed Words
            for(int j=0;j<mixedWords.length;j++){

              //Initiate the ArabicReshaper functionality
              ArabicReshaper arabicReshaper=new ArabicReshaper(mixedWords[j],true);

              //Append the Reshaped Arabic Word to the Reshaped Whole Text
        }else{//The word doesn't have any Arabic Letters

          //Just append the word to the whole reshaped Text

        //Append the space to separate between words
        reshapedText.append(" ");

      //return the final reshaped whole text
      return reshapedText.toString();
  public static TextView getArabicEnabledTextView(Context context, TextView targetTextView) {
    //this is a static for testing!
    if (face == null) {
      face = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), FONTS_LOCATION_PATH);
    return targetTextView;

 *  Date : 25th of March 2008
 *  the class is Arabic string reshaper, this class is targeting Android platform
 *   By    : Ahmed Essam Naiem
 *  E-Mail   :
 *  Web    :
 *  Updated Date : 20 of March 2009
 *  The class has been updated to include the Lam Alef Reshaping techniques
 *  By    : Amr Ismail gawish
 *  Email   :
 *  Web    :
 *  Updated : 8th of June 2009
 *  Adding comments and Announcing Open Source
 * Updated: 6th of May 2010
 * Enahancing Functionality by Amine :
 * */
 class ArabicReshaper{
   * The reshaped Word String
  private String _returnString;

   * The Reshaped Word
   * @return reshaped Word
  public String getReshapedWord(){

    return _returnString;

  public static char DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_ALF_UPPER_MDD = 0x0622;


  public static char DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_ALF_LOWER_HAMAZA = 0x0625;  
  public static char DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_ALF = 0x0627;

  public static char DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_LAM  =0x0644;

  public static char[][] LAM_ALEF_GLPHIES=
   {1575, 65276,65275},
   {1573, 65274,65273}

  public static char[] HARAKATE= {'\u064B', '\u064C', '\u064D','\u064E', '\u064F', '\u0650', '\u0651',
                     '\u0652', '\u0653', '\u0654', '\u0655', '\u0656'};

  public static char[][] ARABIC_GLPHIES=
       {{ 1569,65152,65163,65164,65152,3 } ,
      { 1570,65153,65153,65154,65154,2 } ,
      { 1571,65155,65155,65156,65156,2 } ,
      { 1572,65157,65157,65158,65158,2 } ,
      { 1573,65159,65159,65160,65160,2 } ,
      { 1575,65165,65165,65166,65166,2 } ,
      { 1576,65167,65169,65170,65168,4 } ,
      { 1577,65171,65171,65172,65172,2 } ,
      { 1578,65173,65175,65176,65174,4 } ,
      { 1579,65177,65179,65180,65178,4 } ,
      { 1580,65181,65183,65184,65182,4 } ,
      { 1581,65185,65187,65188,65186,4 } ,
      { 1582,65189,65191,65192,65190,4 } ,
      { 1583,65193,65193,65194,65194,2 } ,
      { 1584,65195,65195,65196,65196,2 } ,
      { 1585,65197,65197,65198,65198,2 } ,
      { 1586,65199,65199,65200,65200,2 } ,
      { 1587,65201,65203,65204,65202,4 } ,
      { 1588,65205,65207,65208,65206,4 } ,
      { 1589,65209,65211,65212,65210,4 } ,
      { 1590,65213,65215,65216,65214,4 } ,
      { 1591,65217,65219,65218,65220,4 } ,
      { 1592,65221,65223,65222,65222,4 } ,
      { 1593,65225,65227,65228,65226,4 } ,
      { 1594,65229,65231,65232,65230,4 } ,
      { 1601,65233,65235,65236,65234,4 } ,
      { 1602,65237,65239,65240,65238,4 } ,
      { 1603,65241,65243,65244,65242,4 } ,
      { 1604,65245,65247,65248,65246,4 } ,
      { 1605,65249,65251,65252,65250,4 } ,
      { 1606,65253,65255,65256,65254,4 } ,
      { 1607,65257,65259,65260,65258,4 } ,
      { 1608,65261,65261,65262,65262,2 } ,
      { 1609,65263,65263,65264,65264,2 } ,
      { 1574,65161,65163,65163,65162,2 } ,
      { 1610,65265,65267,65268,65266,4 } };

   * Searching for the letter and Get the right shape for the character depends on the location specified 
   * @param target The character that needs to get its form
   * @param location The location of the Form letter
   * @return The letter with its right shape
  private char getReshapedGlphy(char target,int location){
    //Iterate over the 36 characters in the GLPHIES Matrix
    for(int n = 0; n<ARABIC_GLPHIES.length;n++)
      //Check if the character equals the target character
        //Get the right shape for the character, depends on the location
        return ARABIC_GLPHIES[n][location];
    //get the same character, If not found in the GLPHIES Matrix
    return target;

   * Define which Character Type is This, that has 2,3 or 4 Forms variation?
   * @param target The character, that needed 
   * @return the integer number indicated the Number of forms the Character has, return 2 otherwise
  private int getGlphyType(char target){
    //Iterate over the 36 characters in the GLPHIES Matrix
    for(int n = 0; n<36;n++)
      //Check if the character equals the target character
        //Get the number of Forms that the character has
        return ARABIC_GLPHIES[n][5];
    //Return the number 2 Otherwise
    return 2;

        private boolean isHaraka(char target) {
    return getHaraka(target) > 0;

  private char getHaraka(char target){
    //Iterate over the 36 characters in the GLPHIES Matrix
    for(int n = 0; n<HARAKATE.length;n++)
      //Check if the character equals the target character
        //Get the number of Forms that the character has
        return HARAKATE[n];
    return 0;

   * Get LamAlef right Character Presentation of the character
   * @param candidateAlef The letter that is supposed to Alef
   * @param candidateLam The letter that is supposed to Lam
   * @param isEndOfWord Is those characters at the end of the Word, to get its right form 
   * @return Reshaped character of the LamAlef
  private char getLamAlef(char candidateAlef,char candidateLam,boolean isEndOfWord){
    //The shift rate, depends if the the end of the word or not!
    int shiftRate = 1;

    //The reshaped Lam Alef
    char reshapedLamAlef=0;

    //Check if at the end of the word

    //check if the Lam is matching the candidate Lam
    if((int)DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_LAM ==(int)candidateLam){

      //Check which Alef is matching after the Lam and get Its form
      if((int)candidateAlef ==(int)DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_ALF_UPPER_MDD){
        reshapedLamAlef = LAM_ALEF_GLPHIES[0][shiftRate];

      if((int)candidateAlef ==(int)DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_ALF_UPPER_HAMAZA){
        reshapedLamAlef = LAM_ALEF_GLPHIES[1][shiftRate];

      if((int)candidateAlef ==(int)DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_ALF_LOWER_HAMAZA){
        reshapedLamAlef = LAM_ALEF_GLPHIES[3][shiftRate];

      if((int)candidateAlef ==(int)DEFINED_CHARACTERS_ORGINAL_ALF){
        reshapedLamAlef = LAM_ALEF_GLPHIES[2][shiftRate];
    //return the ReshapedLamAlef
    return reshapedLamAlef;

   * Constructor of the Class
   * It doesn't support Alef Lam by Default
   * @param unshapedWord The unShaped Word
  public ArabicReshaper(String unshapedWord){

   * The Enhanced Arabic Reshaper Constructor with Lam Alef Support
   * @param unshapedWord The unShaped Word
   * @param supportAlefLam To check If to support AlefLam or Not
  public ArabicReshaper(String unshapedWord,boolean supportAlefLam){
    DecomposedWord decomposedWord = new DecomposedWord(unshapedWord);
    if(!supportAlefLam) {
      _returnString=reshapeIt(new String(decomposedWord.stripedRegularLetters));
    }else {
      _returnString=reshapeItWithLamAlef(new String(decomposedWord.stripedRegularLetters));
    _returnString = decomposedWord.reconstructWord(_returnString);

        class DecomposedWord {
    char[] stripedHarakates ;
    int[] harakatesPositions;
    char[] stripedRegularLetters;
    int[] lettersPositions;
    DecomposedWord(String unshapedWord) {
      int wordLength = unshapedWord.length();
      int harakatesCount = 0;
      for(int index = 0; index < wordLength; index++ ) {
        if (isHaraka(unshapedWord.charAt(index))) {
      harakatesPositions = new int[harakatesCount];
      stripedHarakates = new char[harakatesCount];
      lettersPositions = new int[wordLength - harakatesCount];
      stripedRegularLetters = new char[wordLength - harakatesCount];
      harakatesCount = 0;
      int letterCount = 0;
      for(int index = 0; index < unshapedWord.length(); index++ ) {
        if (isHaraka(unshapedWord.charAt(index))) {
          harakatesPositions[harakatesCount] = index;
          stripedHarakates[harakatesCount] = unshapedWord.charAt(index);
        } else {
          lettersPositions[letterCount] = index;
          stripedRegularLetters[letterCount] = unshapedWord.charAt(index);

                String reconstructWord(String reshapedWord) {
      char[] wordWithHarakates = new char[reshapedWord.length() + stripedHarakates.length];
      for(int index = 0; index < lettersPositions.length; index++) {
        wordWithHarakates[lettersPositions[index]] = reshapedWord.charAt(index);
      for(int index = 0; index < harakatesPositions.length; index++) {
        wordWithHarakates[harakatesPositions[index]] = stripedHarakates[index];
      return new String(wordWithHarakates);

   * Main Reshaping function, Doesn't Support LamAlef
   * @param unshapedWord The unReshaped Word to Reshape
   * @return The Reshaped Word without the LamAlef Support
  public String reshapeIt(String unshapedWord){

    //The reshaped Word to Return
    StringBuffer reshapedWord=new StringBuffer("");

    //The Word length
    int wordLength = unshapedWord.length();

    //The Word Letters
    char [] wordLetters = new char[wordLength];

    //Copy the unreshapedWord to the WordLetters Character Array
    unshapedWord.getChars(0, wordLength, wordLetters,0 );

    //for the first letter
    reshapedWord.append(getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[0], 2));//2 is the Form when the Letter is at the start of the word

    //iteration from the second till the second to last
    for(int i=1;i<wordLength-1;i++){
      int beforeLast=i-1;
        //Check if the Letter Before Last has only 2 Forms, for the current Letter to be as a start for a new Word!
        if(getGlphyType(wordLetters[beforeLast])==2){ //checking if it's only has 2 shapes
          //If the letter has only 2 shapes, then it doesnt matter which position it is, It'll be always the second form
          reshapedWord.append(getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[i], 2));
        }else {
          //Then it should be in the middle which should be placed in its right form [3]
          reshapedWord.append(getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[i], 3));

    //check for the last letter Before last has 2 forms, that means that the last Letter will be alone.
      //If the letter has only 2 shapes, then it doesnt matter which position it is, It'll be always the second form
      reshapedWord.append(getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[wordLength-1], 1));
    }else {
      //Put the right form of the character, 4 for the last letter in the word
      reshapedWord.append(getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[wordLength-1], 4));

    //Return the ReshapedWord
    return reshapedWord.toString();

   * Main Reshaping Function, With LamAlef Support
   * @param unshapedWord The UnReshaped Word
   * @return The Shaped Word with Lam Alef Support
  public String reshapeItWithLamAlef(String unshapedWord){

    //The reshaped Word to Return
    StringBuffer reshapedWord=new StringBuffer("");

    //The Word length
    int wordLength = unshapedWord.length();

    //The Word Letters
    char [] wordLetters = new char[wordLength];

    //The reshaped Letters
    char [] reshapedLetters=new char[wordLength];

    //Indicator Character, to Tell that lam is exist
    char lamIndicator=43;//The '+' 

    //Copy the unreshapedWord to the WordLetters Character Array
    unshapedWord.getChars(0, wordLength, wordLetters,0 );

    //Check if the Word Length is 0, then return empty String
      return "";

    //Check if the Word length is 1, then return the Reshaped One letter, which is the same character of input
      return getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[0],1)+"";

    //Check if the word length is 2, Check if the Word is LamAlef 
      //Assign Candidate Lam
      char lam=wordLetters[0];

      //Assign Candidate Alef
      char alef=wordLetters[1];

      //Check if The word is Lam Alef.
      if(getLamAlef(alef, lam, true)>0){
        return (char)getLamAlef(alef,lam,true)+" ";


    //For the First Letter
    reshapedLetters[0]=getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[0], 2);

    //The current Letter
    char currentLetter=wordLetters[0];

     * The Main Iterator

    //Iterate over the word from the second character till the second to the last
    for(int i=1;i<wordLength-1;i++){

      //Check if the Letters are Lam Alef
      if(getLamAlef(wordLetters[i], currentLetter, true)>0){
        //Check if the Letter before the Lam is 2 Forms Letter, to Make the Lam Alef as its the end of the Word
        if((i-2 < 0) || ((i-2 >= 0) &&  (getGlphyType(wordLetters[i-2])==2))){

          //Mark the letter of Lam as Lam Indicator

          //Assign Lam Alef to the Letter of Alef
          reshapedLetters[i]=(char)getLamAlef(wordLetters[i], currentLetter, true);

        }else{ //The Letter before the Lam is more than 2 Forms Letter

          //Mark the letter of Lam as Lam Indicator

          //Assign Lam Alef to the Letter of Alef
          reshapedLetters[i]=(char)getLamAlef(wordLetters[i], currentLetter, false);
      }else{ //The Word doesn't have LamAlef

        int beforeLast=i-1;

        //Check if the Letter Before Last has only 2 Forms, for the current Letter to be as a start for a new Word!

          //If the letter has only 2 shapes, then it doesnt matter which position it is, It'll be always the second form
          reshapedLetters[i]=getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[i], 2);

          //Then it should be in the middle which should be placed in its right form [3]
          reshapedLetters[i]=getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[i], 3);
      //Assign the CurrentLetter as the Word Letter

     * The Last Letters Check

    //Check if the Letters are Lam Alef
    if(getLamAlef(wordLetters[wordLength-1], wordLetters[wordLength-2], true)>0){

      //Check if the Letter before the Lam is 2 Forms Letter, to Make the Lam Alef as its the end of the Word
      if(getGlphyType(wordLetters[wordLength-3])==2){ //check for the last letter

        //Mark the letter of Lam as Lam Indicator

        //Assign Lam Alef to the Letter of Alef
        reshapedLetters[wordLength-1]=(char)getLamAlef(wordLetters[wordLength-1], wordLetters[wordLength-2], true);
      }else {

        //Mark the letter of Lam as Lam Indicator

        //Assign Lam Alef to the Letter of Alef
        reshapedLetters[wordLength-1]=(char)getLamAlef(wordLetters[wordLength-1], wordLetters[wordLength-2], false);

    }else { 
      //check for the last letter Before last has 2 forms, that means that the last Letter will be alone.
        //If the letter has only 2 shapes, then it doesn't matter which position it is, It'll be always the second form
        reshapedLetters[wordLength-1]=getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[wordLength-1], 1);
      }else {
        //Put the right form of the character, 4 for the last letter in the word
        reshapedLetters[wordLength-1]=getReshapedGlphy(wordLetters[wordLength-1], 4);

     * Assign the Final Results of Shaped Word

    //Iterate over the Reshaped Letters and remove the Lam Indicators
    for(int i=0;i<reshapedLetters.length;i++){

      //Check if the Letter is Lam Indicator

    //Return the Reshaped Word
    return reshapedWord.toString();


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