Bitwise operator

main() {
char c1,c2,c3;
printf("enter value for c1 and c2");
c3 = c1 & c2;
printf("\n c1 & c2 = %c",c3);
c3 = c1 | c2;
printf("\n c1 | c2 = %c",c3);
c3 = c1 ^ c2;
printf("\n i.e. c1 ^ c2 = %c",c3);
c3 = ~c1;
printf("\n compliment of c1 = %c",c3);
c3 = c1<<2;
printf("\n left shift by 2 bits c1 << 2 = %c",c3);
c3 = c1>>2;
printf("\n right shift by 2 bits c1 >> 2 = %c",c3);
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