Convert one or more floating-point values into a single string : String Convert « String « C / ANSI-C

Convert one or more floating-point values into a single string

Beginning C, Third Edition
 By Ivor Horton
 ISBN: 1-59059-253-0
 Published: Apr 2004
 Publisher: apress

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>

char* to_string(int count, double first, ...);  /* Converts doubles to a string separated by commas */
char* fp_to_str(double x);                      /* Converts x to a string                           */
char* int_to_str(int n);                        /* Converts n to a string                           */ 

void main()
  char *str = NULL;                  /* Pointer to the string of values */
  double values[] = { 1.245, -3.5, 6.758, 33.399, -1.02 };

  str = to_string(sizeof values/sizeof(double), values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4]);

  printf("The string of values is:\n%s\n", str);
  free(str);                         /* Free memory for string */

 * Function to convert one or more floating-point values to a      *
 * string with the values separated by commas.                     *
 * This function allocates memory that must be freed by the caller *
char* to_string(int count, double first, ...)
  va_list parg = NULL;          /* Pointer to variable argument   */
  char* str = NULL;             /* Pointer to the joined strings  */
  char *temp = NULL;            /* Temporary string pointer       */
  char *value_str = 0;          /* Pointer to a value string      */
  const char *separator = ",";  /* Separator in values string     */
  size_t separator_length = 0;  /* Length of separator string     */
  size_t length = 0;            /* Length of a string             */
  int i = 0;                    /* Loop counter                   */

  separator_length = strlen(separator);

  va_start(parg,first);         /* Initialize argument pointer */

  str = fp_to_str(first);       /* convert the first value     */

  /* Get the remaining arguments, convert them and append to the string */
    value_str = fp_to_str(va_arg(parg, double));    /* Get next argument */
    length = strlen(str) + strlen(value_str) + separator_length +1;
    temp = (char*)malloc(length); /* Allocate space for string with argument added */
    strcpy(temp, str);            /* Copy the old string         */
    free(str);                    /* Release old memory          */
    str = temp;                   /* Store new memory address    */
    temp = NULL;                  /* Reset pointer               */
    strcat(str,separator);        /* Append separator            */
    strcat(str,value_str);        /* Append value string         */
    free(value_str);              /* Release value string memory */
  va_end(parg);                   /* Clean up arg pointer        */
  return str;

 * Converts the floating-point argument to a string.                       *
 * Result is with two decimal places.                                      *
 * Memory is allocated to hold the string and must be freed by the caller. *
char* fp_to_str(double x)
  char *str = NULL;                 /* Pointer to string representation     */
  char *integral = NULL;            /* Pointer to integral part as string   */
  char *fraction = NULL;            /* Pointer to fractional part as string */
  size_t length = 0;                /* Total string length required         */

  integral = int_to_str((int)x);    /* Get integral part as a string with a sign */

  /* Make x positive */
    x = -x;
  /* Get fractional part as a string */
  fraction = int_to_str((int)(100.0*(x+0.005-(int)x)));

  length = strlen(integral)+strlen(fraction)+2;  /* Total length including point and terminator */

  /* Fraction must be two digits so allow for it */

  str = (char*)malloc(length);        /* Allocate memory for total */
  strcpy(str, integral);              /* Copy the integral part    */
  strcat(str, ".");                   /* Append decimal point      */

  if(strlen(fraction)<2)              /* If fraction less than two digits */
    strcat(str,"0");                  /* Append leading zero       */

  strcat(str, fraction);              /* Append fractional part    */

  /* Free up memory for parts as strings */

  return str;

 * Converts the integer argument to a string.                              *
 * Memory is allocated to hold the string and must be freed by the caller. *
char* int_to_str(int n)
  char *str = NULL;                    /* pointer to the string */
  int length = 1;                      /* Number of characters in string(at least 1 for terminator */
  int temp = 0;
  int sign = 1;                        /* Indicates sign of n */

  /* Check for negative value */
    sign = -1;
    n = -n;
    ++length;                          /* For the minus character */

  /* Increment length by number of digits in n */
  temp = n;
  while((temp /= 10)>0);

  str = (char*)malloc(length);        /* Allocate space required */

  if(sign<0)                          /* If it was negative      */
    str[0] = '-';                     /* Insert the minus sign   */

  str[--length] = '\0';               /* Add the terminator to the end */

  /* Add the digits starting from the end */
    str[--length] = '0'+n%10;
  }while((n /= 10) > 0);

  return str;



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1.Join array of strings into a single string
2. Convert string to double-precision floating-point value
3.Change string to integer
4.Convert string entered to integer
5.Convert string entered to long
6. Convert string to double: How to use atof: sines calculator
7. Convert string to integer: atoi
8. Convert string to long : atol
9. Print formatted data to a string: how to use sprintf
10.Convert string to double: how to use atof
11. Convert string to double-precision floating-point value: how to use strtod
12. Convert string to long integer: how to use strtol
13. Convert string to unsigned long integer: how to use strtoul
14.Convert string to int, double and long
15.Absolute value of long integer: how to use labs