fopen: opens a file by *fname : fopen « stdio.h « C / ANSI-C

fopen: opens a file by *fname


//Header:       #include <stdio.h>  
//Declaration:  FILE *fopen(const char *fname, const char *mode); 
//Return:       returns a FILE pointer on success or NULL pointer on failure 

//The legal values for mode. 
//Mode             Meaning
//"r":             Open text file for reading 
//"w":             Create a text file for writing 
//"a":             Append to text file 
//"rb":            Open binary file for reading 
//"wb":            Create binary file for writing 
//"ab":            Append to a binary file 
//"r+":            Open text file for read/write 
//"w+":            Create text file for read/write 
//"a+":            Open text file for read/write 
//"rb+" or "r+b":  Open binary file for read/write 
//"wb+" or "w+b":  Create binary file for read/write 
//"ab+" or "a+b":  Open binary file for read/write 


  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>

  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      FILE *fp;
      if ((fp = fopen("test", "w"))==NULL) {
        printf("Cannot open file.\n");


Related examples in the same category

1.Open a file called TEST for binary read/write operations