The use of readonly fields : readonly « Class Interface « C# / C Sharp

The use of readonly fields

The use of readonly fields
Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110

  Example6_3.cs illustrates the use of readonly fields

// declare the Car class
class Car

  // declare a readonly field
  public readonly string make;

  // declare a static readonly field
  public static readonly int wheels = 4;

  // define a constructor
  public Car(string make)
    System.Console.WriteLine("Creating a Car object");
    this.make = make;


public class Example6_3

  public static void Main()

    System.Console.WriteLine("Car.wheels = " + Car.wheels);
    // Car.wheels = 5;  // causes compilation error

    // create a Car object
    Car myCar = new Car("Toyota");

    System.Console.WriteLine("myCar.make = " + myCar.make);
    // myCar.make = "Porsche";  // causes compilation error




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1.ReadOnly Fields
2.Demonstrate readonlyDemonstrate readonly
3.Readonly Property