Dictionary(TKey, TValue) represents a collection of keys and values. : Dictionary « Collections Data Structure « C# / C Sharp

Dictionary(TKey, TValue) represents a collection of keys and values.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        Dictionary<string, string> openWith = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        openWith.Add("A", "a");
        openWith.Add("B", "b");
        openWith.Add("C", "c");

            openWith.Add("A", "a");
        catch (ArgumentException)
            Console.WriteLine("already exists.");


Related examples in the same category

1.Try to add duplicate entry to Dictionary
2.Change value for a key
3.The indexer throws an exception if the requested key is not in the dictionary.
4.Use TryGetValue to get a value out
5.ContainsKey can be used to test keys before inserting them
6.for each KeyValuePair
7.To get the values alone, use the Values property
8.To get the keys alone, use the Keys property.
9.Use the Remove method to remove a key/value pair.
10.Dictionary List
11.Move and copy Directory
12.An Hashtable-backed dictionary that enumerates Keys and Values in insertion order.
13.Represents a dictionary which stores the values as weak references instead of strong references.
14.Dictionary Pretty Print
15.Clone a Dictionary
16.Scoped Dictionary
17.Merges two dictionaries.