Converting a Number in Another Base to Base10 : Number « Data Types « C# / C Sharp

Converting a Number in Another Base to Base10

Converting a Number in Another Base to Base10

using System;
using System.Data;

class Class1{
        static void Main(string[] args){
      string base2 = "111";
      string base8 = "117";
      string base10 = "1110";
      string base16 = "11F1FF";

      Console.WriteLine("Convert.ToInt32(base2, 2) = " + 
        Convert.ToInt32(base2, 2));

      Console.WriteLine("Convert.ToInt32(base8, 8) = " + 
        Convert.ToInt32(base8, 8));

      Console.WriteLine("Convert.ToInt32(base10, 10) = " + 
        Convert.ToInt32(base10, 10));

      Console.WriteLine("Convert.ToInt32(base16, 16) = " + 
        Convert.ToInt32(base16, 16));


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