HTML Parser : Regular Expression « Development Class « C# / C Sharp

HTML Parser

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

public class HTMLParser {
    public static void Main(String[] args) {
        FileInfo MyFile = new FileInfo(args[0].ToString());
        if (MyFile.Exists) {
            StreamReader sr = MyFile.OpenText();
            string text = sr.ReadToEnd();

            string pattern = @"<a\shref\S*/a>";
            MatchCollection patternMatches = Regex.Matches(text, pattern,

            foreach (Match nextMatch in patternMatches) {
        } else
            Console.WriteLine("The input file does not exist");


Related examples in the same category

1.Multiple different delimiters
2.Single space split
3.Multiple spaces, using \"[\\s]+\"
4.Single spaces, using ()
5.Single spaces, using new Regex("( )")
6.Position and index
7.Regex and letter case
10.Define groups 'ing', 'in', 'n'
11.Leading space
12.Proper case match
13.Use | to combine different case
14.IP address
15.Multiple spaces, using \" \"
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20.Use regular to split stringUse regular to split string
21.Validate first name and last name
22.Validate address
23.Validate city name
24.Validate ZIP code
25.Validate Phone Number
26.Use regular to verify a dateUse regular to verify a date
27.Define a regular expression for repeated wordsDefine a regular expression for repeated words
28.Gets the group name that corresponds to the specified group number.
29.Indicates whether the regular expression specified in the Regex constructor finds a match in the input string.
30.Regex.IsMatch Method
31.Regex.IsMatch Method (String, String, RegexOptions)
32.Match Class represents the results from a single regular expression match.
33.Get MatchCollection
34.Is match successful
35.Gets a collection of groups matched by the regular expression.
36.Get CaptureCollection
37.Returns a new Match object with the results for the next match, starting at the position at which the last match ended
38.Returns the expansion of the specified replacement pattern.
39.Represents the set of successful matches found by iteratively applying a regular expression pattern to the input string.Represents the set of successful matches found by iteratively applying a regular expression pattern to the input string.
40.Gets an individual member of the collection.