Logger class : Log « Development Class « C# / C Sharp

Logger class

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* Copyright (C) 2011 5173.com                                                                                   *
* This project may be copied only under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.                                    *
* Please visit the project Home Page http://bqqapicsharp.codeplex.com/ for more detail.                         *
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namespace BQQAPIClient.Core.Utility
    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;

    public enum LogLevel
        None = 0,
        Debug = 1,
        Info = 2,
        Warning = 3,
        Error = 4,

    internal class Logger
        private static object locker = new object();
        private static StreamWriter sw;
        private static LogLevel logLevel;
        private static Timer changePathTimer;
        private static readonly int CHANGEPATHINTERVAL = 60 * 1000;
        private static readonly string LOGFILENAMEFORMAT = "yyyyMMddHH";
        private static readonly string LOGLINEFORMAT = "HH:mm:ss_ffff";

        static Logger()
            changePathTimer = new Timer(state =>

        public static void Dispose()
            lock (locker)

        public static void SetLogLevel(LogLevel level)
            logLevel = level;

        private static void InitStreamWriter()
            sw = new StreamWriter(GetLogFileName(), true, Encoding.UTF8, 1024);
            sw.AutoFlush = true;

        private static string GetLogFileName()
            string path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "log");
            if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
            string file = DateTime.Now.ToString(LOGFILENAMEFORMAT) + ".txt";
            return Path.Combine(path, file);

        public static void Debug(string s)
            if ((int)logLevel <= (int)LogLevel.Debug)
                Log(LogLevel.Debug, s);

        public static void Debug(string format, params object[] args)
            if ((int)logLevel <= (int)LogLevel.Debug)
                Log(LogLevel.Debug, format, args);

        public static void Info(string s)
            if ((int)logLevel <= (int)LogLevel.Info)
                Log(LogLevel.Info, s);

        public static void Info(string format, params object[] args)
            if ((int)logLevel <= (int)LogLevel.Info)
                Log(LogLevel.Info, format, args);

        public static void Warning(string s)
            if ((int)logLevel <= (int)LogLevel.Debug)
                Log(LogLevel.Warning, s);

        public static void Warning(string format, params object[] args)
            if ((int)logLevel <= (int)LogLevel.Debug)
                Log(LogLevel.Warning, format, args);

        public static void Error(string s)
            if ((int)logLevel <= (int)LogLevel.Error)
                Log(LogLevel.Error, s);

        public static void Error(string format, params object[] args)
            if ((int)logLevel <= (int)LogLevel.Error)
                Log(LogLevel.Error, format, args);

        private static void Log(LogLevel logLevel, string s)
            lock (locker)
                sw.WriteLine(WrapWithContext(logLevel, s));

        private static void Log(LogLevel logLevel, string format, params object[] args)
            Log(logLevel, string.Format(format, args));

        private static string WrapWithContext(LogLevel logLevel, string s)
            StackTrace strackTrace = new StackTrace();
            StackFrame[] stackFrames = strackTrace.GetFrames();
            StackFrame stackFrame = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < stackFrames.Length; i++)
                if (stackFrames[i].GetMethod().ReflectedType != typeof(Logger))
                    stackFrame = stackFrames[i];

            MethodBase methodBase = stackFrame.GetMethod();
            string method = string.Format("{0}.{1}", methodBase.DeclaringType.Name, methodBase.Name);

            return string.Format("[{0}] @{3} #{4} {1} - {2}", logLevel, method, s, DateTime.Now.ToString(LOGLINEFORMAT), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);


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10.Log Utility
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12.Logger 2
13.Instantiates a Trace log for detailed tracking of an application's internal activities.
14.Your own Logger
15.Implements a TextWriter for writing information to the debugger log.