Get Public Key Hash for a string : Hash « Security « C# / C Sharp

Get Public Key Hash for a string

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;

public class CryptoUtility
    public static string GetPublicKeyHash(string publicKeyString)
        SHA256 sha = new SHA256Managed();
        byte[] bytes = HexToBin(publicKeyString);
        byte[] hashvalue = sha.ComputeHash(bytes);
        return Convert.ToBase64String(hashvalue);

    public static byte[] HexToBin(string hexString)
        if (hexString == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("hexString cannot be null", "hexString");
        if (!(hexString.Length % 2 == 0))
            throw new ArgumentException("Inappropriate length in hexString.", "hexString");
        if (Regex.IsMatch(hexString, "[^0-9A-F]+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
            throw new ArgumentException("Non-hex values in hexString.", "hexString");
        int arraySize = System.Convert.ToInt32(hexString.Length / 2);
        byte[] bytes = new byte[arraySize - 1];
        int counter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= hexString.Length - 1; i += 2)
            string hexValue = hexString.Substring(i, 2);
            int intValue = Convert.ToInt32(hexValue, 16);
            bytes[counter] = Convert.ToByte(intValue);
            counter += 1;
        return bytes;



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