Navigate Frame to a URL : Frame « Windows Presentation Foundation « C# / C Sharp

Navigate Frame to a URL

Navigate Frame to a URL

<Window x:Class="TreeViewDataBinding.Window1"

    <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="EasternHemisphereDataSource" ObjectType="{x:Type EngNews:WebSiteGroupA}"/>
    <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="WesternHemisphereDataSource" ObjectType="{x:Type EngNews:WebSiteGroupB}"/>
    <DataTemplate x:Key="NewspaperTVItem">
        <Image Source="c:\image.jpg"/>
        <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="center" Text ="{Binding Path=Name}"/>
    <DataTemplate x:Key="WesternHemisphereHeaderTemplate">
        <Ellipse Width="7" Height="7"  Fill="Blue" DockPanel.Dock="Left"/>
        <TextBlock Margin="2,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center" DockPanel.Dock="Right">
    <DataTemplate x:Key="EasternHemisphereHeaderTemplate">
        <Ellipse Width="7" Height="7"  Fill="Blue" DockPanel.Dock="Left"/>
        <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Right">Eastern Hemisphere</TextBlock>
      <TreeView Name="WebSiteEntrys" SelectedItemChanged="SelectedNewspaperChanged">
        <TreeViewItem HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource WesternHemisphereHeaderTemplate}" 
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource WesternHemisphereDataSource}}"
                      ItemTemplate="{StaticResource NewspaperTVItem}"/>
        <TreeViewItem HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource EasternHemisphereHeaderTemplate}"
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource EasternHemisphereDataSource}}"
                      ItemTemplate="{StaticResource NewspaperTVItem}"/>
      <Frame Name = "NewspaperFrame" Content="this is a test."/>
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace TreeViewDataBinding
    public partial class Window1 : Window{
        public Window1(){
        private void SelectedNewspaperChanged(object sender,RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<Object> e){
            WebSiteEntry engnews = WebSiteEntrys.SelectedItem as WebSiteEntry;
            if( engnews != null ) NewspaperFrame.Navigate(new System.Uri(engnews.Website));
    public class WebSiteEntry{
        private string _name;
        private string _website;

        public string Website
            get { return _website; }
            set { _website = value; }

        public string Name
            get { return _name; }
            set { _name = value; }

        public WebSiteEntry(string name, string website)
            Name = name;
            Website = website;
    public class WebSiteGroupA : ObservableCollection<WebSiteEntry>
        public WebSiteGroupA()
            Add(new WebSiteEntry("A",""));
            Add(new WebSiteEntry("B",""));
            Add(new WebSiteEntry("C",""));

    public class WebSiteGroupB : ObservableCollection<WebSiteEntry>
        public WebSiteGroupB()
            Add(new WebSiteEntry("D",""));
            Add(new WebSiteEntry("E",""));
            Add(new WebSiteEntry("F",""));


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