Use Linq to get control from a container : Xaml « Windows Presentation Foundation « C# / C Sharp

Use Linq to get control from a container

Use Linq to get control from a container

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
    Title="WPF" SizeToContent="Height" Width="300">
    <Grid Name="grid">
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
        <Border Grid.Column="0" BorderBrush="Gray" BorderThickness="1" />
        <Border Grid.Column="1" BorderBrush="Gray" BorderThickness="1" />
        <StackPanel Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="5" Name="spLeftContainer">
            <TextBlock FontSize="16" Text="Radio Group 1" />
            <RadioButton Content="Radio Button 1A" GroupName="Group1" IsChecked="True" Margin="5" Name="rbnOneA" />
            <RadioButton Content="Radio Button 1B" GroupName="Group1" Margin="5" Name="rbnOneB" />
            <RadioButton Content="Radio Button 1C" GroupName="Group1" Margin="5" Name="rbnOneC" />
            <TextBlock FontSize="16" Text="Radio Group 2" />
            <RadioButton Checked="RadioButton_Checked" GroupName="Group2" Content="Radio Button 2A" IsChecked="True" 
                         Margin="5" Name="rbnTwoA" />
            <RadioButton Checked="RadioButton_Checked" GroupName="Group2" Content="Radio Button 2B" Margin="5" Name="rbnTwoB"/>
            <RadioButton Checked="RadioButton_Checked" GroupName="Group2" Content="Radio Button 2C" Margin="5" Name="rbnTwoC"/>
        <StackPanel Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="5" Name="spRightContainer">
            <TextBlock FontSize="16" Text="Radio Group 1" />
            <RadioButton Content="Radio Button 1D" GroupName="Group1" Margin="5" Name="rbnOneD" />
            <RadioButton Content="Radio Button 1E" GroupName="Group1" Margin="5" Name="rbnOneE" />
        <Button Content="Show Group1 Selection" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" 
                Margin="10" MaxHeight="25" Click="Button_Click" />

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace WpfApplication1
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        public Window1()
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RadioButton radioButton = null;
            radioButton = GetCheckedRadioButton(spLeftContainer.Children, "Group1");
            if (radioButton == null)
                radioButton = GetCheckedRadioButton(spRightContainer.Children, "Group1");
            MessageBox.Show(radioButton.Content + " checked.", Title);
        private RadioButton GetCheckedRadioButton(UIElementCollection children, String groupName)
            return children.OfType<RadioButton>().FirstOrDefault( rb => rb.IsChecked == true && rb.GroupName == groupName);
        private void RadioButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!this.IsInitialized) return;
            RadioButton radioButton = e.OriginalSource as RadioButton;

            if (radioButton != null)
                MessageBox.Show(radioButton.Content + " checked.", Title);


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