BufferedStream.Position : BufferedStream « System.IO « C# / C Sharp by API


using System;
using System.IO;

    public class BufStrm
        static public void Main ()
            FileStream strm;
            strm = new FileStream ("test.txt",FileMode.OpenOrCreate,FileAccess.Write);
            strm.SetLength (0);
            BufferedStream bstrm = new BufferedStream (strm);
            string str = "this is a test";
            byte [] b;
            StringToByte (out b, str);
            bstrm.Write (b, 0, b.Length);
            long Pos = bstrm.Position;
            Console.WriteLine ("The buffered stream position is "+ bstrm.Position);
            Console.WriteLine ("The underlying stream position is "+ strm.Position);
            str = "the quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog.\r\n";
            StringToByte (out b, str);
            bstrm.Write (b, 0, b.Length);
            Console.WriteLine ("\r\nThe buffered stream position is " +bstrm.Position);
            Console.WriteLine ("The underlying stream position is still "+ strm.Position);
            bstrm.Seek (Pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            b[0] = (byte) 'T';
            bstrm.Write (b, 0, 1);
            bstrm.Flush ();
            bstrm.Close ();
            strm.Close ();
        static void StringToByte (out byte [] b, string str)
            b = new byte [str.Length];
            for (int x = 0; x < str.Length; ++x)
                b[x] = (byte) str [x];


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1.new BufferedStream(FileStream fs)