Relational Operator Overload : Operator Overload « Class « Visual C++ .NET

Relational Operator Overload


#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;

ref class Number 
    Number(int x) : i(x) {}

    static bool operator >(Number^ n, int v)  // maps to operator >
        return n->i > v;
    static bool operator >(int v, Number^ n)  // maps to operator >
        return v > n->i;

    virtual String ^ ToString() override
        return i.ToString();
    int i;
int main()
   Number^ n = gcnew Number(5);

   if ( n > 6 )
       Console::WriteLine("{0} Greater than 6", n);
       Console::WriteLine("{0} Less than or Equal 6", n);

   if ( 6 > n )
       Console::WriteLine("6 Greater than {0}", n);
       Console::WriteLine("6 Less than or Equal {0}", n);


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