Binary search an ArrayList by functor : ArrayList « Collections « Visual C++ .NET

Binary search an ArrayList by functor


#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;

ref class myReverserClass: public IComparer
   virtual int Compare(Object^ x, Object^ y) = IComparer::Compare
       return (String::Compare((String^)y, (String^)x));

void main()
    ArrayList ^alist = gcnew ArrayList(4);
    array<String^>^ morenums = gcnew array<String^> {"Four", "Five"};


    IComparer^ myComparer = gcnew myReverserClass;
    int indx = alist->BinarySearch("Four", myComparer);
    Console::WriteLine("Four found at index: {0}", indx.ToString());


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