Execute delete command : SqlCommand « Database ADO.net « Visual C++ .NET

Execute delete command


#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Data::SqlClient;
using namespace System::Configuration;

void main()
    String ^Name = "Doors";
    SqlConnection ^connection = gcnew SqlConnection();
    connection->ConnectionString = "SQLConnection";
       SqlCommand ^cmd = gcnew SqlCommand();
       cmd->Connection = connection;

       cmd->CommandType = CommandType::StoredProcedure;
       cmd->CommandText = "InsertAuthor";

       cmd->Parameters->Add(gcnew SqlParameter("@LastName", SqlDbType::VarChar));
       cmd->Parameters->Add(gcnew SqlParameter("@FirstName",SqlDbType::VarChar));

       cmd->Parameters["@LastName"]->Value  = "A";
       cmd->Parameters["@FirstName"]->Value = "B";

       int affected = cmd->ExecuteNonQuery();
       Console::WriteLine("Insert - {0} rows are affected", affected);

       cmd->CommandType = CommandType::Text;
       cmd->CommandText = "UPDATE Authors SET LastName = 'Doe' WHERE LastName = 'A'";

       affected = cmd->ExecuteNonQuery();
       Console::WriteLine("Update - {0} rows are affected", affected);

       cmd->CommandType = CommandType::Text;
       cmd->CommandText = "DELETE FROM Authors WHERE LastName = 'Doe'";

       affected = cmd->ExecuteNonQuery();
       Console::WriteLine("Delete - {0} rows are affected", affected);
    }catch (SqlException ^e){
        Console::WriteLine("No connection the following error occurred: {0}",


Related examples in the same category

1.use SqlCommand to call stored procedure
2.Execute update command
3.Call a stored procedure with parameters