Insert 'value' into every element but the first : deque indexer « Deque « C++

Insert 'value' into every element but the first


/* The following code example is taken from the book
 * "The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference"
 * by Nicolai M. Josuttis, Addison-Wesley, 1999
 * (C) Copyright Nicolai M. Josuttis 1999.
 * Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
 * is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
 * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
 * warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;

int main()
    // create empty deque of strings
    deque<string> coll;

    // insert several elements
    coll.assign (3, string("string"));
    coll.push_back ("last string");
    coll.push_front ("BBB string");
    coll.push_front ("CCC string");
    coll.push_front ("AAA string");

    // print elements separated by newlines
    copy (coll.begin(), coll.end(),ostream_iterator<string>(cout,"\n"));
    cout << endl;

    // insert ''another'' into every element but the first
    for (unsigned i=1; i<coll.size(); ++i) {
        coll[i] = "another " + coll[i];

    // print elements separated by newlines
    copy (coll.begin(), coll.end(),ostream_iterator<string>(cout,"\n"));
    cout << endl;


AAA string
CCC string
BBB string
last string

AAA string
another CCC string
another BBB string
another string
another string
another string
another last string


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