mem_fun_ref with method from user-defined class : mem_fun_ref « STL Algorithms Helper « C++

mem_fun_ref with method from user-defined class

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Employee
   Employee( string name = "Unknown", int income = 0, int bonus_percentage = 0 );

   int bonus( int games_won ) const;

   void print() const;

   string name() const;
   int income() const;


   int salary() const;  
   int bonus_percentage_;
   int income_;
   string name_;

inline Employee::Employee(string name, int income, int bonus_percentage): bonus_percentage_( bonus_percentage ), income_( income ),name_( name )

inline int Employee::bonus( int games_won ) const{ 
   return static_cast<int>(salary() * ( bonus_percentage_ / 100.0 ) * games_won ); 

void Employee::print() const
   cout << setw( 10 ) << left << name() << "Income: " << setw( 8 )
      << right << income() << " euro per year   Bonus: "
      << bonus_percentage_ << "% of salary per game won\n";

inline int Employee::income() const
{ return income_; }

string Employee::name() const
{ return name_; }

int Employee::salary() const
{ return static_cast<int>( 0.3 * income() ); }

int main( ){
   vector<Employee> myVector;
   myVector.push_back( Employee( "A", 4, 3 ) );
   myVector.push_back( Employee( "B", 1, 3 ) );
   myVector.push_back( Employee( "C", 2, 3 ) );
   myVector.push_back( Employee( "D", 3, 2 ) );
   myVector.push_back( Employee( "E", 5, 1 ) );

   for_each( myVector.begin(), myVector.end(),mem_fun_ref( &Employee::print ) );

   vector<int> temporary( myVector.size() );
   transform( myVector.begin(), myVector.end(),temporary.begin(), mem_fun_ref( &Employee::income ) );

   int average_income = accumulate( temporary.begin(),temporary.end(), 0 ) / temporary.size();
   cout << myVector.size()
      << " : "
      << average_income << " \n\n";

Related examples in the same category

1.Use mem_fun_ref to pass in a user-defined member function