Use the addDataChild() method to add children to the data canvas. It adds labels to each of the columns that you select in the ColumnChart control. : Column Chart Data « Chart « Flex

Use the addDataChild() method to add children to the data canvas. It adds labels to each of the columns that you select in the ColumnChart control.

Use the addDataChild() method to add children to the data canvas. It adds labels to each of the columns that you select in the ColumnChart control.

Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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    <!-- charts/AddLabelsWithLines.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
    xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:s="library://"

        <s:VerticalLayout />
        import mx.charts.series.items.ColumnSeriesItem; 
        import mx.charts.ChartItem; 
        private function connectTwoPoints(month1:String,value1:Number,month2:String,value2:Number):void { 
            canvas.moveTo(month1, value1); 
            canvas.lineTo(month2, value2); 
            l1.text = "Month: " + month1; 
            l2.text = "Profit: " + value1; 
            l3.text = "Month: " + month2; 
            l4.text = "Profit: " + value2; 
            chartHasLine = true; 
        private var s1:String = new String(); 
        private var s2:String = new String(); 
        private var v1:Number = new Number(); 
        private var v2:Number = new Number(); 
        // Set this to true initially so that the chart doesn't 
        // draw a line when the first item is clicked. 
        private var chartHasLine:Boolean = true; 

    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public var expenses:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
      {month:"Jan", profit:20, expenses:15, amount:145},
      {month:"Feb", profit:1, expenses:2, amount:60},
      {month:"Mar", profit:15, expenses:5, amount:3}
        private function handleChange(event:Event):void { 
            var sci:ColumnSeriesItem =ColumnSeriesItem(myChart.selectedChartItem); 
            if (chartHasLine) { 
                s1 = sci.item.month; 
                v1 = sci.item.profit; 
                chartHasLine = false; 
            } else { 
                s2 = sci.item.month; 
                v2 = sci.item.profit; 
                connectTwoPoints(s1, v1, s2, v2); 
        public var columnLabel:Label; 
        private function addLabelsToColumn(s:String, n:Number):void { 
            columnLabel = new Label(); 
            columnLabel.setStyle("fontWeight", "bold"); 
            columnLabel.setStyle("color", "0x660000"); 
            columnLabel.text = s + ": " + "$" + n; 
            // This adds any DisplayObject as child to current canvas. 
            canvas.addDataChild(columnLabel, s, n); 
    <s:Panel title="Column Chart">
            <s:VerticalLayout />
        <mx:ColumnChart id="myChart" dataProvider="{expenses}"
            selectionMode="single" change="handleChange(event)">
                <mx:CartesianDataCanvas id="canvas"
                    includeInRanges="true" />
                <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="month" />
                <mx:ColumnSeries id="series1" xField="month" yField="profit"
                    displayName="Profit" selectable="true" />
        <mx:Legend dataProvider="{myChart}" />
        <s:Button id="b1" label="Connect Two Points"
            click="connectTwoPoints('Jan', 2000, 'Mar', 1500);" />
                <s:Label text="First Item" />
                <s:Label id="l1" />
                <s:Label id="l2" />
                <s:Label text="Second Item" />
                <s:Label id="l3" />
                <s:Label id="l4" />


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