Form with Button : Form « Components « Flex

Form with Button

Form with Button

Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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<!-- containers\layouts\FormDefButton.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
        import mx.controls.Alert; 
        private function submitLogin(eventObj:MouseEvent):void { 
            // Display an Alert to show the event happened. 
  "Login Requested"); 
            // Commented out to work without a web service. 
    <mx:Form defaultButton="{mySubmitButton}">
        <mx:FormItem label="Username">
            <mx:TextInput id="username" width="100" />
        <mx:FormItem label="Password">
            <mx:TextInput id="password" width="100" displayAsPassword="true" />
            <mx:Button id="mySubmitButton" label="Login"
                click="submitLogin(event);" />


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16.Form field with LabelForm field with Label
17.Add the submitForm() and debugMessage() functions as handlers of the click event:Add the submitForm() and debugMessage() functions as handlers of the click event:
18.Register the submitForm() and debugMessage() handler functionsRegister the submitForm() and debugMessage() handler functions
19.Add form header to a formAdd form header to a form
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23.Model data and form controls
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26.Travel formTravel form
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29.Adding border to FormAdding border to Form
30.defines the FormHeading controldefines the FormHeading control
31.Using Form controls to hold your form dataUsing Form controls to hold your form data
32.The submit function can access the form control data directly,The submit function can access the form control data directly,
33.Form Data Model ValueForm Data Model Value
34.A form that reads static data from a data model to obtain the value for a form fieldA form that reads static data from a data model to obtain the value for a form field
35.Adding a load event and a fault event to the form.Adding a load event and a fault event to the form.
36.Select a value for the formatString property from the drop-down listSelect a value for the formatString property from the drop-down list
37.Show individual times for the initialization and creation of each form element.Show individual times for the initialization and creation of each form element.
38.Register a single listener function, submitForm(), with two different buttonsRegister a single listener function, submitForm(), with two different buttons
39.Form ButtonForm Button
40.Form default buttonForm default button
41.The form and the buttons overlap as the application grows smaller, for example.The form and the buttons overlap as the application grows smaller, for example.
42.Login ExampleLogin Example
43.Checking the box could make the user e-mail field requiredChecking the box could make the user e-mail field required