Specify an offset used when adding a data child to the canvas for the labels with an HSlider control. : Slider « Components « Flex

Specify an offset used when adding a data child to the canvas for the labels with an HSlider control.

Specify an offset used when adding a data child to the canvas for the labels with an HSlider control.

Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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    <!-- charts/AddLabelsWithOffsetLines.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
    xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"

        <s:VerticalLayout />
        import mx.charts.series.items.ColumnSeriesItem; 
        import mx.charts.ChartItem; 
        import mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianCanvasValue; 
        private function connectTwoPoints(month1:String,value1:Number,month2:String,value2:Number):void { 
            canvas.moveTo(month1, value1); 
            canvas.lineTo(month2, value2); 
            l1.text = "Month: " + month1; 
            l2.text = "Profit: " + value1; 
            l3.text = "Month: " + month2; 
            l4.text = "Profit: " + value2; 
            chartHasLine = true; 
        private var s1:String = new String(); 
        private var s2:String = new String(); 
        private var v1:Number = new Number(); 
        private var v2:Number = new Number(); 
        // Set this to true initially so that the chart doesn't 
        // draw a line when the first item is clicked. 
        private var chartHasLine:Boolean = true; 

    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public var expenses:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
      {month:"Jan", profit:20, expenses:15, amount:145},
      {month:"Feb", profit:1, expenses:2, amount:60},
      {month:"Mar", profit:15, expenses:5, amount:3}
        private function handleChange(event:Event):void { 
            var sci:ColumnSeriesItem =ColumnSeriesItem(myChart.selectedChartItem); 
            if (chartHasLine) { 
                s1 = sci.item.month; 
                v1 = sci.item.profit; 
                chartHasLine = false; 
            } else { 
                s2 = sci.item.month; 
                v2 = sci.item.profit; 
                connectTwoPoints(s1, v1, s2, v2); 
        public var labelOffset:Number = 0; 
        public var columnLabel:Label; 
        private function addLabelsToColumn(s:String, n:Number):void { 
            columnLabel = new Label(); 
            columnLabel.setStyle("fontWeight", "bold"); 
            columnLabel.setStyle("color", "0x660000"); 
            columnLabel.text = s + ": " + "$" + n; 
            // Use the CartesianCanvasValue constructor to specify 
            // an offset for data coordinates. 
            canvas.addDataChild(columnLabel,new CartesianCanvasValue(s, labelOffset),new CartesianCanvasValue(n, labelOffset)); 
    <s:Panel title="Column Chart">
            <s:VerticalLayout />
        <mx:ColumnChart id="myChart" dataProvider="{expenses}"
            selectionMode="single" change="handleChange(event)">
                <mx:CartesianDataCanvas id="canvas"
                    includeInRanges="true" />
                <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="month" />
                <mx:ColumnSeries id="series1" xField="month" yField="profit"
                    displayName="Profit" selectable="true" />
        <mx:Legend dataProvider="{myChart}" />
        <s:Button id="b1" label="Connect Two Points"
            click="connectTwoPoints('Jan', 2000, 'Mar', 1500);" />
                <s:Label text="First Item" />
                <s:Label id="l1" />
                <s:Label id="l2" />
                <s:Label text="Second Item" />
                <s:Label id="l3" />
                <s:Label id="l4" />
        <mx:HSlider id="hSlider" minimum="-50" maximum="50" value="0"
            dataTipPlacement="top" tickColor="black" snapInterval="1"
            tickInterval="10" labels="['-50','0','50']" allowTrackClick="true"
            liveDragging="true" change="labelOffset=hSlider.value" />


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