Adding a web service to process form input data. : WebService « Data Model « Flex

Adding a web service to process form input data.


Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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<!-- containers\layouts\FormDataSubmitServer.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
        <s:VerticalLayout />
        private function processValues():void { 
            // Check to see if ZIP code is valid. 
        <!-- Define the web service connection. 
            The specified WSDL URI is not functional. -->
        <mx:WebService id="WeatherService" wsdl="/ws/WeatherService?wsdl">
            <mx:operation name="GetWeather">
        <mx:FormItem label="ZIP Code">
            <mx:TextInput id="zipCode" width="200" text="ZIP code please." />
            <mx:Button width="60" label="Submit" click="processValues();" />
            text="{WeatherService.GetWeather.lastResult.CityShortName}" />
        <mx:TextArea text="{WeatherService.GetWeather.lastResult.CurrentTemp}" />
        <mx:TextArea text="{WeatherService.GetWeather.lastResult.DayForecast}" />


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