Dispatch Bindable event : Bindable Event « Data Model « Flex

Dispatch Bindable event

Dispatch Bindable event

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark">
        <mx:ArrayCollection id="fruitCollection">
            private var myStringValue:String;
            private function isOrangeChosen():Boolean
                return myStringValue == "Orange";
            public function get selectedFruit():String
                return myStringValue;
            public function set selectedFruit( value:String ):void
                myStringValue = value;
                dispatchEvent( new Event( "myStringValueChanged" ) );
    <mx:Label text="Select a Fruit:" />
        <s:DropDownList id="fruitCB" dataProvider="{fruitCollection}" change="{selectedFruit = fruitCB.selectedItem}"/>
        <mx:Button label="eat the orange." enabled="{isOrangeChosen()}"/>


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1.Bindable eventBindable event
2.Fire bindable event during value settingFire bindable event during value setting
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