Use IList : IList « Data Model « Flex

Use IList

Use IList
Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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<!-- dpcontrols\UseIList.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
    xmlns:mx="library://" initialize="initData();">
        <s:VerticalLayout />
        import mx.collections.*; 
        // The data provider is an Array of Strings 
        public var myArray:Array = ["AZ", "MA", "MZ", "MN", "MO", "MS"]; 
        // Declare an ArrayList that represents the Array. 
        public var myAL:ArrayList; 
        //Initialize the ArrayList. 
        public function initData():void { 
            myAL = new ArrayList(myArray); 
        // The function to change the collection, and therefore 
        // the Array. 
        public function changeCollection():void { 
            // Get the original collection length. 
            var oldLength:int=myAL.length; 
            // Remove the invalid first item, AZ. 
            var removedItem:String=String(myAL.removeItemAt(0)); 
            // Add ME as the second item. (ILists used 0-based indexing.) 
            myAL.addItemAt("ME", 1); 
            // Add MT at the end of the Array and collection. 
            // Change the third item from MZ to MI. 
            myAL.setItemAt("MI", 2); 
            // Get the updated collection length. 
            var newLength:int=myAL.length; 
            // Get the index of the item with the value ME. 
            var addedItemIndex:int=myAL.getItemIndex("ME"); 
            // Get the fifth item in the collection. 
            var index4Item:String=String(myAL.getItemAt(4)); 
            // Display the information in the TextArea control. 
            ta1.text="Start Length: " + oldLength + ". New Length: " + newLength; 
            ta1.text+=".\nRemoved " + removedItem; 
            ta1.text+=".\nAdded ME at index " + addedItemIndex; 
            ta1.text+=".\nThe item at index 4 is " + index4Item + "."; 
            // Show that the base Array has been changed. 
            ta1.text+="\nThe base Array is: " + myArray.join(); 
    <s:ComboBox id="myCB" dataProvider="{myAL}" />
    <s:TextArea id="ta1" height="75" width="300" />
    <s:Button label="rearrange list" click="changeCollection();" />


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