opacity and z-index : z index « CSS « HTML / CSS

opacity and z-index

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en'>
<style type='text/css'>
body {
    background: lightyellow;
div {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 200);
    opacity: 0.7;
div#one {
    background: pink;
    top: 10px;
    left: 10px;
    z-index: 4;
div#two {
    background: lightblue;
    top: 20px;
    left: 20px;
    z-index: 3;
div#three {
    background: yellowgreen;
    top: 30px;
    left: 30px;
    z-index: 2;
div#four {
    background: orange;
    top: 40px;
    left: 40px;
    z-index: 1;

        <div id='one'></div>
        <div id='two'></div>
        <div id='three'></div>
        <div id='four'></div>


Related examples in the same category

1.'z-index' Example
2.z-index number
3.z-index settings
4.z-index: auto
5.z-index: child index
6.Z-index Positioning
7.The z-index property controls how elements are layered along an invisible z-axis.
8.You can control the z-index explicitly, however, by providing an integer value to the z-index property.
9.Nested elements handle the z-index property differently. Descendant elements must always have a z-index higher than that of their parent.
10.z-index among li items
11.Inline style for z-index
12.z-index controls the stacking order of positioned elements.
13.A negative value places element below the normal flow, and a positive value places them above the flow.
14.Use z-index to change the overlap index
15.Set z-index to 100
16.The default value for z-index is auto.
17.z index, child index
18.Larger values move them closer to the user in the stacking order.
19.Stacking with z-index
20.z-index value
21.three layers of div tags
22.z-index and sibling selector
23.z-index and child selector