Printable ASCII Characters: 7-BIT : Entity Table « Reference « HTML / CSS

Printable ASCII Characters: 7-BIT

Result      Entity Number
!           !
"           "
#           #
$           $
%           %
&           &
'           '
(           (
)           )
*           *
+           +
,           ,
-           -
.           .
/           /
0           0
1           1
2           2
3           3
4           4
5           5
6           6
7           7
8           8
9           9
:           :
;           &#59;
<           &#60;
=           &#61;
>           &#62;
?           &#63;
@           &#64;
A           &#65;
B           &#66;
C           &#67;
D           &#68;
E           &#69;
F           &#70;
G           &#71;
H           &#72;
I           &#73;
J           &#74;
K           &#75;
L           &#76;
M           &#77;
N           &#78;
O           &#79;
P           &#80;
Q           &#81;
R           &#82;
S           &#83;
T           &#84;
U           &#85;
V           &#86;
W           &#87;
X           &#88;
Y           &#89;
Z           &#90;
[           &#91;
\           &#92;
]           &#93;
^           &#94;
_           &#95;
`           &#96;
a           &#97;
b           &#98;
c           &#99;
d           &#100;
e           &#101;
f           &#102;
g           &#103;
h           &#104;
i           &#105;
j           &#106;
k           &#107;
l           &#108;
m           &#109;
n           &#110;
o           &#111;
p           &#112;
q           &#113;
r           &#114;
s           &#115;
t           &#116;
u           &#117;
v           &#118;
w           &#119;
x           &#120;
y           &#121;
z           &#122;
{           &#123;
|           &#124;
}           &#125;
~           &#126;

Related examples in the same category

1.ASCII Entities with new Entity Names
2.ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
3.ISO 8859-1 Character Entities
4.Other Entities supported by HTML
5.Character Entity Example