CSS Text Properties Example : CSS Basics « Style Basics « HTML / CSS

CSS Text Properties Example


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">
<title>HTML/XHTML:  &raquo; CSS Text Properties Example</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />

<style type="text/css">
.letterspaced {letter-spacing: 10pt;}
.wordspaced {word-spacing: 20px;}
.sub {vertical-align: sub;}
.super {vertical-align: super;}
.right {text-align: right;}
.left {text-align: left;}
.justify {text-align: justify;}
.center {text-align: center;}
p.indent {text-indent: 20px;
line-height: 200%;}
p.negindent {text-indent: -10px;
background-color: yellow;}
#bigchar {background-color: red;
color: white;
font-size: 28pt;
font-family: Impact;}
p.carson {font-size: 12pt;
font-family: Courier;
letter-spacing: 4pt;
line-height: 5pt;}
.uppercase {text-transform: uppercase;}
.lowercase {text-transform: lowercase;}
.capitalize {text-transform: capitalize;}
.underline {text-decoration: underline;}
.blink {text-decoration: blink;}
.line-through {text-decoration: line-through;}
.overline {text-decoration: overline;}
.normal {white-space: normal;}
.pre {white-space: pre;}
.nowrap {white-space: nowrap;}
<div class="content">
  <p><span class="letterspaced">Spacing letters is possible</span> and so <span class="wordspaced">should word spacing.
  Alas, it is not always supported!</span></p>
  <p>Vertical alignment can be used to make
  <span class="sub">Subscript</span> and
  <span class="super">Superscript</span> text, but the
  common use of the property is for aligning text next to images.</p>

  <p class="left">Align a paragraph to the left as normal.</p>
  <p class="right">Align paragraphs to the right as we did in HTML.</p>
  <p class="justify">This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  <p class="center">Text can of course also be centered.</p>

  <p class="indent">This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  <p class="negindent"><span id="bigchar">T</span>his is another
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  <p class="carson">This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.This is a test.
  <h2>Text Transformation</h2>
  <p><span class="uppercase"></span>
  <span class="lowercase">To AllLowercase.</span>
  <span class="capitalize">This text is all capitalized. It doesn't do what you think, does it?</span></p>

  <span class="blink">blink under Netscape.</span>
  <span class="underline">underlined.</span>
  <span class="line-through">struck.</span>
  <span class="overline">overline.</span>

  <p class="normal">This text controls space normally like HTML; it condenses all spaces and returns to a single character.</p>
  <p class="pre">This paragraph preserves any S P E C I A L spacing.</p>
  <p class="nowrap">This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. 
  This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. 
  This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. 
  This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. 
  This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. 
  This is a test. </p>



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5.Zero page gutter
6.Inline HTML elements include markup for explicit semantic purposes:
7.CSS can be used to control the presentation of an XHTML document
8.Box Model Demonstration
9.Width and height
10.Default Styles
11.horizontally stretching content
12.stretching content
13.Box model properties are always specified in order clockwise.
14.vertically stretching content
15.Update text color when mouse hover
16.Whitespace and Chunking
17.Multiple Columns