'noframes' delivers HTML content to those browsers that do not support frame : noframes « Tags « HTML / CSS

'noframes' delivers HTML content to those browsers that do not support frame

    <frameset rows="33%, 33%, *" cols="33%, 33%, *">
        <frame name="frame_1" src="http://www.java2s.com">
        <frame name="frame_2" src="http://www.java2s.com">
        <frame name="frame_3" src="http://www.java2s.com">
        <frame name="frame_4" src="http://www.java2s.com">
        <frame name="frame_5" src="http://www.java2s.com">
        <frame name="frame_6" src="http://www.java2s.com">
        <frame name="frame_7" src="http://www.java2s.com">
        <frame name="frame_8" src="http://www.java2s.com">
        <frame name="frame_9" src="http://www.java2s.com">
    <noframes>Your system doesn't support frames.</noframes>

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