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<title>Bird Watch</title>
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Design by Free CSS Templates
Released for free under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

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/* Content > Main > Welcome */

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/* Content > Main > Example */

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/* Content > Sidebar */

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/* Footer > Legal */

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/* Footer > Links */

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<div id="logo">
  <h1><a href="">Bird <i>Watch</i></a></h1>
  <h2><a href="">Free CSS Templates</a></h2>
<div id="content">
  <div id="sidebar">
    <div id="menu">
        <li class="active"><a href="">Homepage</a></li>
        <li><a href="">About Us</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Products</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Services</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Clients</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Support</a></li>
    <div id="login" class="boxed">
      <h2 class="title">Client Account</h2>
      <div class="content">
        <form id="form1" method="post" action="">
          <label for="inputtext1">Client ID:</label>
          <input id="inputtext1" type="text" name="inputtext1" value="" />
          <label for="inputtext2">Password:</label>
          <input id="inputtext2" type="password" name="inputtext2" value="" />
          <input id="inputsubmit1" type="submit" name="inputsubmit1" value="Sign In" />
          <p><a href="">Forgot your password?</a></p>
    <div id="updates" class="boxed">
      <h2 class="title">Recent Updates</h2>
      <div class="content">
            <h3>March 5, 2007</h3>
            <p><a href="">In posuere eleifend odio quisque semper augue mattis wisi maecenas ligula&#8230;</a></p>
            <h3>March 3, 2007</h3>
            <p><a href="">Quisque dictum integer nisl risus, sagittis convallis, rutrum id, congue, and nibh&#8230;</a></p>
            <h3>February 28, 2007</h3>
            <p><a href="">Donec leo, vivamus fermentum nibh in augue praesent a lacus at urna congue rutrum&#8230;</a></p>
            <h3>February 25, 2007</h3>
            <p><a href="">Nam pede erat, porta eu, lobortis eget, tempus et, tellus. Etiam nequea&#8230;</a></p>
            <h3>February 20, 2007</h3>
            <p><a href="">Vivamus fermentum nibh in augue. Praesent a lacus at urna congue rutrum. Nulla enim eros&#8230;</a></p>
  <div id="main">
    <div id="welcome" class="post">
      <p><img src="birdwatch-images/img03.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="300" /></p>
      <h2 class="title">Welcome to Bird Watch!</h2>
      <h3 class="date"><span class="month">Mar.</span> <span class="day">8</span><span class="year">, 2007</span></h3>
      <div class="meta">
        <p>Posted by Jane Anderson under <a href="">Uncategorized</a>, <a href="">Daily Journal</a><br />
          <a href="">Trackback URI</a> | <a href="">No Comments</a> | <a href="">Permalink</a></p>
      <div class="story">
        <p><strong>Bird Watch</strong> is a free template from Free CSS Templates released under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License</a>. The photo is from You're free to use it for both commercial or personal use. I only ask that you link back to my site in some way. <em>Enjoy :)</em></p>
    <div id="example" class="post">
      <h2 class="title">Examples of Common Tags</h2>
      <h3 class="date"><span class="month">Feb.</span> <span class="day">24</span><span class="year">, 2007</span></h3>
      <div class="meta">
        <p>Posted by Jane Anderson under <a href="">Samples</a><br />
          <a href="">Trackback URI</a> | <a href="">No Comments</a> | <a href="">Permalink</a></p>
      <div class="story">
        <p>This is an example of a paragraph followed by a blockquote. In posuere  eleifend odio. Quisque semper augue mattis wisi. Maecenas ligula.  Pellentesque viverra vulputate enim. Aliquam erat volutpat lorem ipsum  dolorem.</p>
          <p>&ldquo;Pellentesque tristique ante ut  risus. Quisque dictum. Integer nisl risus, sagittis convallis, rutrum  id, elementum congue, nibh. Suspendisse dictum porta lectus. Donec  placerat odio.&rdquo;</p>
        <h3>Heading Level Three</h3>
        <p>This is another example of a paragraph followed by an unordered list. In posuere  eleifend odio. Quisque semper augue mattis wisi. Maecenas ligula.  Pellentesque viverra vulputate enim. Aliquam erat volutpat lorem ipsum  dolorem.</p>
        <p>An ordered list example:</p>
          <li>List item number one</li>
          <li>List item number two</li>
          <li>List item number thre</li>
<div id="footer">
  <p id="legal">Copyright &copy; 2007 Bird Watch. All Rights Reserved. Designed by <a href="">Free CSS Templates</a>.</p>
  <p id="links"><a href="">Home</a> | <a href="">Terms of Use</a></p>


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