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Design by FlashTemplatesDesign.com
Released for free under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

border: 0;
margin: 0;

border: 0px;

  font: 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  color: #000000;
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height: 274px;
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border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;}

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#bottom h2{
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.b_col2 {
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.b_col3 {
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scroll styles here

.item { width: 850px; height:274px;}
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.item h2 { border:none; margin-bottom:15px;}

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.scrollable .items { width:20000em; position:absolute;}
.scrollable .items div { float:left;} 
.scrollable .items .item { overflow:hidden;}
.scrollable .items .item p { line-height:16px;}
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.navi a { width: 30px; cursor:pointer; height: 30px; float:left; margin:0 0 0 3px; background:url(ftdwood-images/circl.gif) no-repeat scroll right top; display:block; font-size:1px;} 
.navi a:hover, .navi a.active { background-position:left top; margin:0 0 0 3px;  background:url(ftdwood-images/circl_hov.gif) no-repeat scroll right top}

width: 850px; height: 274px;
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width: 850px; height: 274px;
background: url(ftdwood-images/top2.jpg) no-repeat;

width: 850px; height: 274px;
background: url(ftdwood-images/top3.jpg) no-repeat;

width: 850px; height: 274px;
background: url(ftdwood-images/top4.jpg) no-repeat;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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<div id="main">
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<div id="header">
  <div id="logo">
      <a href="#">ftdwood</a>
        <h3><a href="#">Small Company Slogan Goes Here</a></h3>
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<div id="content">
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      <div class="scrollable">
        <div class="items">
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          <div class="item">
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          </div> <!-- item -->                      
        </div> <!-- items -->
      </div> <!-- scrollable -->
  <div class="circl_all">
      <div class="navi"></div> <!-- create automatically the point dor the navigation depending on the numbers of items -->  
    <div class="yellow_top">
    <div class="yellow_bot">
        <div class="box_home_bg">
          <div class="box_home bg_grad">
            <img src="ftdwood-images/img11.gif" class="img_l"  alt="" />
            <div style="height:4px"></div>
                <h1> Lorem ipsum dolor. </h1>
              <div style="height:3px; clear:both"></div>
                <b>Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </b><br />
                Sed enim ante, faucibus in pharetra et, condimentum non lorem. Vestibulum tempor ligula est. Nulla tellus mi, sodales tincidunt ultrices vehicula, mattis vel justo. Sed in nisl leo, sit amet ornare enim. 
                <div style="height:25px">
                    <a href="#" class="read">read more</a>
            <div class="float_left" style="width: 15px; height: 10px;"></div>
          <div class=" box_home bg_grad">
              <img src="ftdwood-images/img12.gif" class="img_l"   alt="" />
              <div style="height:4px"></div>
              <h1>Vestibulum vel lacus. </h1>
              <div style="height:3px; clear:both"></div>
              <b>Interdum non id massa.</b><br />
                Nulla mollis, magna quis feugiat faucibus, risus lorem lacinia justo, et adipiscing tortor lacus in nunc. Duis in tellus vel ipsum bibendum gravida. Nunc eget mi id risus tempor rhoncus. 
            <div style="height:25px">
                    <a href="#" class="read">read more</a>
            <div class="float_left" style="width: 15px; height: 10px;"></div>
            <div class=" box_home bg_grad">
              <img src="ftdwood-images/img13.gif" class="img_l"  alt="" />
              <div style="height:4px"></div>
                <h1>Cras aliquam quam. </h1>
              <div style="height:3px; clear:both"></div>
                <b>Accumsan eu lobortis urna mollis.</b><br />
                Sed a tellus orci, a luctus enim. Aliquam congue nisi quis felis porttitor vestibulum. Nam eget metus dui, eu consectetur urna. Donec sed mauris quis nisl iaculis ullamcorper.
                <div style="height:25px">
                    <a href="#" class="read">read more</a>
            <div style="clear: both"></div>
        <div style=" height: 30px;"></div>
        <div class="bg_grad">
            <h1>Praesent ipsum neque</h1>
            <div style=" height: 3px;"></div>
            <b>Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.</b><br />
            Aenean sed suscipit risus. Nam nisl sapien, gravida non rhoncus sed, sodales nec leo. Vestibulum bibendum ante sit amet libero scelerisque elementum. Mauris at magna odio, vitae sagittis dui. Pellentesque vehicula, ante ac egestas elementum, ante ante volutpat lorem, sed imperdiet quam mi a velit. Sed non scelerisque nibh. Fusce venenatis lobortis nunc, vitae laoreet mi ultricies at.
          <div style="height:30px">
                <a href="#" class="read">read more</a>
        <div style=" height: 30px;"></div>
      <!-- bottom begin -->    
        <div id="bottom">
          <div class="b_col1 col_bg">
                  <li><a href="#">Service Number 1</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Service Number 2</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Service Number 3</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Service Number 4</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#">Service Number 5</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Service Number 6</a></li>
            <div class="b_col2 col_bg">
              <h2>Contact Information</h2>
                1234 SomeStreet<br />
                Brooklyn, NY 11201<br />
                Phone:  1(234) 567 8910<br />
                Fax: 1(234) 567 8910<br />
                E-mail: companyname@yahoo.com     
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                <h2>Follow Us</h2>
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