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<title>iPhone | About</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
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/* @override http://templates.jonnotie.nl/iphone/stylesheets/main.css */

* {
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html, body {
  background-image: url(iphone-images/basics/bg.png);
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body {
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p {
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img {
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ul, ol {

h1, h2, h3, h4 {
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a:link, a:visited {
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a:link:hover, a:visited:hover {
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a:link:active, a:visited:active {
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/* @group basics */

#wrapper {
  width: 894px;
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/* @group columns */

.row {
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  width: 480px;
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.column {
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.column.six {
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.column.six .row {
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.column.three {
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.column.three .row {
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.column.four {
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.column.four .row {
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.column.two {
  width: 134px;

.column.two .row {
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.column.oneandahalf {
  width: 94px;

.column.oneandahalf .row {
  width: 120px;

/* @end */

/* @group links */

.link {
  position: relative;
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  overflow: hidden;
  z-index: 1;
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.link.left {
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.link.right {
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.link .img {
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  background-image: url(iphone-images/basics/links/link-oneandahalf.png);
    cursor: pointer;


.link img {
  position: absolute;
  top: 4px;
  left: 4px;
  width: 86px;

/* --- */

.link:hover .img {
  background-position: 0 -95px;

.link:active .img {
  background-position: 0 -190px;

/* --- */

.link.wide {
  width: 214px;
  cursor: pointer;

.link.wide .img {
  width: 214px;
  background-image: url(iphone-images/basics/links/link-three.png);
    cursor: pointer;


.link.wide img {
  width: 206px;

/* @end */

/* @group appstore */

.appstore {
  width: 214px;
  height: 95px;
  display: block;
  background-image: url(iphone-images/basics/links/appstore.png);
  text-indent: -9999px;
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.appstore:hover {
  background-position: 0 -95px;

.appstore:active {
  background-position: 0 -190px;

.appstore-soon {
  width: 214px;
  height: 95px;
  display: block;
  background-image: url(iphone-images/basics/links/appstore-soon.png);
  text-indent: -9999px;
  background-color: #363e45;
  cursor: default;

/* @end */

/* @group form */

form {

form p {
  margin-bottom: 0;

form label {
  cursor: pointer;

form input {
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  display: block;
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form input:focus {
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  background-position: 0 -27px;

form textarea {
  width: 426px;
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  padding: 10px 14px 3px;
  background: #2c343c url(iphone-images/basics/textarea.png) 100% -1px;
  overflow: auto;
  margin-top: 5px;
  margin-bottom: 14px;

form textarea:focus {
  background-position: 100% -156px;
  color: #95999e;

form button {
  margin-bottom: 18px;
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  background-image: url(iphone-images/basics/button.png);
  width: 56px;
  height: 27px;
  display: block;
  text-indent: -9999px;
  cursor: pointer;
  background-color: #559b37;

form button:hover {
  background-position: 0 -27px;

form button:active {
  background-position: 0 -54px;

/* --- */

form p.error big {
  float: right;
  font-size: 12px;
  line-height: 18px;
  color: #fff;
  font-style: italic;

/* @end */

/* @end */

/* @group essentials */

/* @group header */

#header {
  height: 125px;
  padding-top: 122px;
  position: relative;

/* @group title */

#title {
  height: 99px;
  padding: 26px 52px 0 381px;
  position: relative;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/title/bg.png) no-repeat 0 bottom;
  width: 461px;

#title h1 {
  font-size: 24px;
  padding-top: 35px;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/title/icon.png) no-repeat 0 21px;
  height: 63px;
  padding-left: 82px;
  line-height: 30px;
  color: #fff;

#title a {
  height: 41px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 60px;
  right: 52px;
  background-image: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/title/price-left.png);
  font-size: 18px;
  text-decoration: none;
  font-weight: bold;
  display: block;
  padding-left: 10px;
  line-height: 40px;
  background-color: #4e9430;
  color: #fff;
  margin-right: 3px;

#title a span {
  height: 41px;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/title/price-right.png) no-repeat right 0;
  display: inline-block;
  cursor: pointer;
  padding-right: 10px;

#title a:hover {
  background-position: 0 -41px;

#title a:hover span {
  background-position: right -41px;

#title a:active {
  background-position: 0 -82px;

#title a:active span {
  background-position: right -82px;

/* --- */

.mirror #title {
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/title/bg-mirrored.png) no-repeat 0 bottom;
  padding: 26px 50px 0 51px;
  width: 793px;

.mirror #title a {
  right: 381px;
  top: 60px;
  position: absolute;
  display: block;

/* @end */

/* @group navigation */

#navigation {
  height: 31px;
  list-style-type: none;
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1;
  overflow: hidden;
  left: 383px;
  top: 122px;
  padding-right: 50px;

#navigation li {
  height: 31px;
  float: left;
  margin-right: -11px;

#navigation li a {
  float: left;
  text-decoration: none;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/navigation/left.png) no-repeat 3px 0;
  height: 29px;
  padding-left: 15px;
  margin-right: 22px;
  display: inline;

#navigation li a span {
  height: 23px;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/navigation/right.png) no-repeat right 0;
  margin-right: -25px;
  padding-right: 25px;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: block;
  float: left;
  padding-top: 6px;
  white-space: nowrap;

/* --- */

#navigation li a:hover {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/navigation/left-current.png) no-repeat 0 0;
  height: 29px;

#navigation li a:hover span {
  height: 23px;
  background-image: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/navigation/right-current.png);

/* --- */

#navigation li a:active {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/navigation/left-current.png) no-repeat 0 1px;
  height: 29px;

#navigation li a:active span {
  height: 22px;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/navigation/right-current.png) no-repeat right 1px;
  padding-top: 7px;

/* --- */

#navigation li.current a {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 2;
  height: 31px;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/navigation/left-current.png) 0 0;
  color: #fff;

#navigation li.current a span {
  height: 25px;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/header/navigation/right-current.png) no-repeat right 0;
  padding-top: 6px;

#navigation li.current a:hover {
  background-position: 0 0;
  height: 31px;

#navigation li.current a:hover span {
  height: 25px;

/* --- */

.mirror #navigation {
  right: 383px;
  top: 122px;
  left: 52px;

/* @end */

/* @end */

/* @group main */

#main {
  background-image: url(iphone-images/essentials/main/bg.png);
  position: relative;
    height:auto !important;

/* @group iphone */

#iphone {
  width: 230px;
  height: 346px;
  background-image: url(iphone-images/essentials/main/iphone/bg.png);
  position: absolute;
  top: -237px;
  padding: 122px 76px 197px;
  right: 509px;
  left: 3px;

#iphone .img {
  width: 230px;
  height: 346px;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: relative;

#iphone a {
  height: 57px;
  width: 179px;
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  top: 150px;
  z-index: 1;
  background-image: url(iphone-images/basics/links/clicktoplay.png);
  text-indent: -9999px;
  left: 26px;

#iphone img {
  filter: alpha(opacity = 30);
  width: 230px;

#iphone .hvlog img {
  opacity: 0.3;

#iphone a:hover {
  background-position: 0 -57px;

#iphone a:active {
  background-position: 0 -114px;

#iphone object {
  width: 230px;
  height: 346px;

#iphone embed {
  width: 230px;
  height: 346px;

/* --- */

.mirror #iphone {
  left: 509px;
  right: 3px;

/* @end */

/* @group content */

#content {
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/main/content/bg.png) repeat-x;

  width: 454px;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 27px 55px 1px 385px;
  margin-bottom: -20px;

#content abbr {
  border-bottom: 1px dotted #656c73;
  cursor: help;

#content abbr:hover {
  color: #fff;

#content h2 {
  margin-bottom: 9px;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;

#content ul {
  margin-bottom: 18px;
  width: 100%;

#content ol {
  margin-bottom: 18px;
  width: 100%;

#content ul li {
  list-style-type: none;
  background: url(iphone-images/basics/li.png) no-repeat 0 8px;
  padding-left: 15px;

#content ol li {
  list-style-type: none;
  background: url(iphone-images/basics/li.png) no-repeat 0 8px;
  padding-left: 15px;

/* --- */

.mirror #content {
  padding: 30px 385px 1px 55px;

/* @end */

/* @end */

/* @group footer */

#footer {
  padding-top: 30px;
  background: url(iphone-images/essentials/footer/bg.png) no-repeat;
  text-align: center;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1;

/* @end */

/* @end */


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<script>DD_belatedPNG.fix('#iphone, #iphone a, h1, .link .img');</script>
<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="header">
    <ul id="navigation">
      <li><a href="index.html"><span>Home</span></a></li>
      <li class="current"><a href="about.html"><span>About</span></a></li>
      <li><a href="contact.html"><span>Contact</span></a></li>
    <div id="title">
      <h1>iPhone application</h1>
      <a href="#"><span>$1.99</span></a> </div>
  <div id="main">
    <div id="iphone">
      <div class="img">
        <div class="hvlog {width: '230', height: '346', controller: 'false', loop: 'true', pluginspage: 'http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/'}"> <a href="media/example.mov" rel="enclosure">click to play</a> <img src="media/screenshot-2.png" alt="" /> </div>
    <div id="content">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="column three">
          <p><a href="media/screenshot-1.png" class="link wide" rel="group"><img src="media/screenshot-1-thumb-2.png" alt="" /><span class="img">open image</span></a></p>
        <div class="column three">
          <p><a href="media/screenshot-2.png" class="link wide" rel="group"><img src="media/screenshot-2-thumb-2.png" alt="" /><span class="img">open image</span></a></p>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="column oneandahalf">
          <p><a href="media/screenshot-1.png" class="link" rel="group2"><img src="media/screenshot-1-thumb.png" alt="" /><span class="img">open image</span></a></p>
        <div class="column oneandahalf">
          <p><a href="media/screenshot-2.png" class="link" rel="group2"><img src="media/screenshot-2-thumb.png" alt="" /><span class="img">open image</span></a></p>
        <div class="column three">
          <p><a href="media/screenshot-3.png" class="link wide" rel="group2"><img src="media/screenshot-3-thumb.png" alt="" /><span class="img">open image</span></a></p>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="column six">
          <h2>A normal h2</h2>
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.</p>
          <p>Wuis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. <a href="#">Excepteur</a> sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="column three">
          <h2>A h2 in</h2>
          <p>Wuis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. <a href="#">Excepteur</a> sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>
        <div class="column three">
          <h2>each column</h2>
          <p>Wuis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. <a href="#">Excepteur</a> sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>
      <div class="row">
        <h2>Or above two columns</h2>
        <div class="column three">
            <li>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit</li>
            <li>Sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt</li>
            <li>Ut enim ad minim <abbr>veniam</abbr></li>
        <div class="column three">
            <li>Esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla.</li>
            <li>nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo</li>
            <li>Soccaecat cupidatat non proident</li>
  <div id="footer">
    <p><strong>Copyright &copy; 2009</strong> by <a href="#">Yourcompany</a>. Design by <a href="http://jonnotie.nl">Jonnotie</a></p>


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