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<div id="wrapper">
  <h1><a href=""><img src="personalwebsite-images/logo.gif" width="177" height="36" alt="" /></a></h1>
  <ul id="nav">
    <li class="b"><a href="">HOME</a></li>
    <li class="a"><a href="">Hobbies</a></li>
    <li class="d"><a href="">Gallery</a></li>
    <li class="c"><a href="">contact</a></li>
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          <div class="inner"> <img src="personalwebsite-images/left_photo.jpg" width="194" height="299" alt="My photo" class="left" />
            <h2><img src="personalwebsite-images/title_welcome.gif" width="139" height="20" alt="Welcome to my world" /></h2>
            <div class="indent">
              <p>This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original.</p>
              <p>This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original.</p>
              <p>This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original.</p>
              <p>This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is demo text.</p>
            <div id="dividerx"><img src="personalwebsite-images/divider_cut.gif" width="28" height="12" alt="" /></div>
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                      <h2><img src="personalwebsite-images/title_join_my_club.gif" width="86" height="20" alt="join my club" /></h2>
                      <p>This is a demo text. It will be repl aced by the original.</p>
                      <img src="personalwebsite-images/black_man.gif" width="79" height="102" alt="black man" class="lowright" />
                      <p>This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. </p>
                      <p class="readmore"><a href="">...Join Now</a></p>
                  <!-- end left -->
                  <div id="right">
                    <div class="inner">
                      <h2><img src="personalwebsite-images/title_enter.gif" width="139" height="20" alt="enter my dreamland" /></h2>
                      <ul class="left">
                        <li><a href="">My music</a></li>
                        <li><a href="">My movies</a></li>
                        <li><a href="">My sports</a></li>
                        <li><a href="">My paintings</a></li>
                      <p>This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text.</p>
                      <p>This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text.</p>
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  <div id="footer"> Powered by <a href="">Free Website Templates</a> </div>
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