'cursor' Possible Values : cursor « CSS Attributes and Javascript Style Properties « HTML CSS Reference

'cursor' Possible Values

Possible Values

all-scroll           (IE6+) The cursor has four arrows pointing up, down, left, and 
auto                 The default; the browser determines the cursor to display based 
                     on the current element.
col-resize           (IE6+) The cursor contains left and right arrows separated by 
                     a verticalbar.
crosshair            The cursor is a crosshair.

move                 Crossed arrows, indicating that you can move an object.

default              The cursor is operating system dependent, usually an arrow pointer.

hand                 The cursor is a hand.

help                 The cursor has an arrow with a question mark.

no-drop              (IE6 only) The cursor is a hand with a small stop sign.

not-allowed          (IE6 only) The cursor is a small stop sign.

pointer              (IE6 only) Same as hand.

progress             (IE6 only) The cursor is an arrow with an hourglass next to it.

row-resize           (IE6 only) The cursor contains up and down arrows connectedby 
                     a horizontal line.
text,                (IE6 only) The cursor is an I-bar indicating that the text 
                     the element can be edited.

url                  (IE6 only) This specifies the location of the cursor file.

wait                 The cursor is an hourglass or watch.

n-resize,            The cursor is an arrow pointing to any of the eight compass 

Related examples in the same category

1.'cursor' Syntax and Note
2.'cursor' Example
3.'cursor' is applied to