'display' Possible Values : display « CSS Attributes and Javascript Style Properties « HTML CSS Reference

'display' Possible Values

Possible Values

block                 rendered as a block element, with border features, that occupies 
                      a new line.
inline                The default; generate one or more boxes without occupying a new 
none                  not rendered.

compact               Creates either a block or an inline element, depending on the 
                      content of the element.

inline-block          The element is rendered inline,

list-item             (IE6+) generate a principal block box and list-item inline box 
                      with border features.

table-header-group    displays the element as a table header group.

table-footer-group    displays the element as a table footer group.    

Related examples in the same category

1.'display' Syntax and Note
2.'display' Example
3.'display' is applied to