'basefont' CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties : basefont « HTML Tag Reference « HTML CSS Reference

'basefont' CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties

Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| CSS            |background-position-x           background-position-y         |
| Attributes     |behavior                        font-family                   |
| and            |layout-grid                     layout-grid-mode              |
| JavaScript     |pixelBottom(*)                  pixelHeight(*)                |
| Style          |pixelLeft(*)                    pixelRight(*)                 |
| Properties     |pixelTop(*)                     pixelWidth(*)                 |
|                |posBottom(*)                    posHeight(*)                  |
|                |posLeft(*)                      posRight(*)                   |
|                |posTop(*)                       posWidth(*)                   |
|                |text-autospace                  text-underline-position       |
|                |white-space                                                   |

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