'th' Event Handlers : th « HTML Tag Reference « HTML CSS Reference

'th' Event Handlers

| Event          |onActivate                      onBeforeActivate              |
| Handlers       |onBeforeCopy                    onBeforeCut                   |
|                |onBeforeDeactivate              onBeforePaste                 |
|                |onBlur                          onClick                       |
|                |onContextMenu                   onControlSelect               |
|                |onCopy                          onCut                         |
|                |onDblClick                      onDeactivate                  |
|                |onDragEnter                     onDragStart                   |
|                |onFilterChange                  onFocus                       |
|                |onFocusIn                       onFocusOut                    |
|                |onHelp                          onKeyDown                     |
|                |onKeyPress                      onKeyUp                       |
|                |onLoseCapture                   onMouseDown                   |
|                |onMouseEnter                    onMouseLeave                  |
|                |onMouseMove                     onMouseOut                    |
|                |onMouseOver                     onMouseUp                     |
|                |onMouseWheel                    onMove                        |
|                |onMoveEnd                       onMoveStart                   |
|                |onPaste                         onPropertyChange              |
|                |onReadyStateChange              onResizeEnd                   |
|                |onResizeStart                   onScroll                      |
|                |onSelectStart                   onTimeError                   |

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