Interpolates points given in the 2D plane : Geometry « 2D Graphics GUI « Java

Interpolates points given in the 2D plane


import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Arrays;

/* This code is PUBLIC DOMAIN */

 * @(#)
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Martin Krueger
 * Copyright (c) 2005 David Benson

 * Interpolates points given in the 2D plane. The resulting spline
 * is a function s: R -> R^2 with parameter t in [0,1].
 * @author krueger
public class Spline2D {

   *  Array representing the relative proportion of the total distance
   *  of each point in the line ( i.e. first point is 0.0, end point is
   *  1.0, a point halfway on line is 0.5 ).
  private double[] t;
  private Spline splineX;
  private Spline splineY;
   * Total length tracing the points on the spline
  private double length;
   * Creates a new Spline2D.
   * @param points
  public Spline2D(Point2D[] points) {
    double[] x = new double[points.length];
    double[] y = new double[points.length];
    for(int i = 0; i< points.length; i++) {
      x[i] = points[i].getX();
      y[i] = points[i].getY(); 
    init(x, y);

   * Creates a new Spline2D.
   * @param x
   * @param y
  public Spline2D(double[] x, double[] y) {
    init(x, y);

  private void init(double[] x, double[] y) {
    if (x.length != y.length) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays must have the same length.");
    if (x.length < 2) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Spline edges must have at least two points.");

    t = new double[x.length];
    t[0] = 0.0; // start point is always 0.0
    // Calculate the partial proportions of each section between each set
    // of points and the total length of sum of all sections
    for (int i = 1; i < t.length; i++) {
      double lx = x[i] - x[i-1];
      double ly = y[i] - y[i-1];
      // If either diff is zero there is no point performing the square root
      if ( 0.0 == lx ) {
        t[i] = Math.abs(ly);
      } else if ( 0.0 == ly ) {
        t[i] = Math.abs(lx);
      } else {
        t[i] = Math.sqrt(lx*lx+ly*ly);
      length += t[i];
      t[i] += t[i-1];
    for(int i = 1; i< (t.length)-1; i++) {
      t[i] = t[i] / length;
    t[(t.length)-1] = 1.0; // end point is always 1.0
    splineX = new Spline(t, x);
    splineY = new Spline(t, y);

   * @param t 0 <= t <= 1
  public double[] getPoint(double t) {
    double[] result = new double[2];
    result[0] = splineX.getValue(t);
    result[1] = splineY.getValue(t);

    return result;
   * Used to check the correctness of this spline
  public boolean checkValues() {
    return (splineX.checkValues() && splineY.checkValues());

  public double getDx(double t) {
    return splineX.getDx(t);
  public double getDy(double t) {
    return splineY.getDx(t);
  public Spline getSplineX() {
    return splineX;
  public Spline getSplineY() {
    return splineY;
  public double getLength() {
    return length;


 * Interpolates given values by B-Splines.
 * @author krueger
class Spline {

  private double[] xx;
  private double[] yy;

  private double[] a;
  private double[] b;
  private double[] c;
  private double[] d;

  /** tracks the last index found since that is mostly commonly the next one used */
  private int storageIndex = 0;

   * Creates a new Spline.
   * @param xx
   * @param yy
  public Spline(double[] xx, double[] yy) {
    setValues(xx, yy);

   * Set values for this Spline.
   * @param xx
   * @param yy
  public void setValues(double[] xx, double[] yy) {
    this.xx = xx;
    this.yy = yy;
    if (xx.length > 1) {

   * Returns an interpolated value.
   * @param x
   * @return the interpolated value
  public double getValue(double x) {
    if (xx.length == 0) {
      return Double.NaN;

    if (xx.length == 1) {
      if (xx[0] == x) {
        return yy[0];
      } else {
        return Double.NaN;

    int index = Arrays.binarySearch(xx, x);
    if (index > 0) {
      return yy[index];

    index = - (index + 1) - 1;
    //TODO linear interpolation or extrapolation
    if (index < 0) {
      return yy[0];

    return a[index]
      + b[index] * (x - xx[index])
      + c[index] * Math.pow(x - xx[index], 2)
      + d[index] * Math.pow(x - xx[index], 3);

   * Returns an interpolated value. To be used when a long sequence of values
   * are required in order, but ensure checkValues() is called beforehand to
   * ensure the boundary checks from getValue() are made
   * @param x
   * @return the interpolated value
  public double getFastValue(double x) {
    // Fast check to see if previous index is still valid
    if (storageIndex > -1 && storageIndex < xx.length-1 && x > xx[storageIndex] && x < xx[storageIndex + 1]) {

    } else {
      int index = Arrays.binarySearch(xx, x);
      if (index > 0) {
        return yy[index];
      index = - (index + 1) - 1;
      storageIndex = index;
    //TODO linear interpolation or extrapolation
    if (storageIndex < 0) {
      return yy[0];
    double value = x - xx[storageIndex];
    return a[storageIndex]
          + b[storageIndex] * value
          + c[storageIndex] * (value * value)
          + d[storageIndex] * (value * value * value);

   * Used to check the correctness of this spline
  public boolean checkValues() {
    if (xx.length < 2) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;

   * Returns the first derivation at x.
   * @param x
   * @return the first derivation at x
  public double getDx(double x) {
    if (xx.length == 0 || xx.length == 1) {
      return 0;

    int index = Arrays.binarySearch(xx, x);
    if (index < 0) {
      index = - (index + 1) - 1;

    return b[index]
      + 2 * c[index] * (x - xx[index])
      + 3 * d[index] * Math.pow(x - xx[index], 2);

   * Calculates the Spline coefficients.
  private void calculateCoefficients() {
    int N = yy.length;
    a = new double[N];
    b = new double[N];
    c = new double[N];
    d = new double[N];

    if (N == 2) {
      a[0] = yy[0];
      b[0] = yy[1] - yy[0];

    double[] h = new double[N - 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
      a[i] = yy[i];
      h[i] = xx[i + 1] - xx[i];
      // h[i] is used for division later, avoid a NaN
      if (h[i] == 0.0) {
        h[i] = 0.01;
    a[N - 1] = yy[N - 1];

    double[][] A = new double[N - 2][N - 2];
    double[] y = new double[N - 2];
    for (int i = 0; i < N - 2; i++) {
      y[i] =
          * ((yy[i + 2] - yy[i + 1]) / h[i
            + 1]
            - (yy[i + 1] - yy[i]) / h[i]);

      A[i][i] = 2 * (h[i] + h[i + 1]);

      if (i > 0) {
        A[i][i - 1] = h[i];

      if (i < N - 3) {
        A[i][i + 1] = h[i + 1];
    solve(A, y);

    for (int i = 0; i < N - 2; i++) {
      c[i + 1] = y[i];
      b[i] = (a[i + 1] - a[i]) / h[i] - (2 * c[i] + c[i + 1]) / 3 * h[i];
      d[i] = (c[i + 1] - c[i]) / (3 * h[i]);
    b[N - 2] =
      (a[N - 1] - a[N - 2]) / h[N
        - 2]
        - (2 * c[N - 2] + c[N - 1]) / 3 * h[N
        - 2];
    d[N - 2] = (c[N - 1] - c[N - 2]) / (3 * h[N - 2]);

   * Solves Ax=b and stores the solution in b.
  public void solve(double[][] A, double[] b) {
    int n = b.length;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
      A[i][i - 1] = A[i][i - 1] / A[i - 1][i - 1];
      A[i][i] = A[i][i] - A[i - 1][i] * A[i][i - 1];
      b[i] = b[i] - A[i][i - 1] * b[i - 1];

    b[n - 1] = b[n - 1] / A[n - 1][n - 1];
    for (int i = b.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
      b[i] = (b[i] - A[i][i + 1] * b[i + 1]) / A[i][i];


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